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Please take your feeble soft human body, with its useless flappy lips smacking together to make noises elsewhere.

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Hannity doesn't need to anchor Fox election coverage, because they've got 2 dozen other biased "anchors" to do it. Ever heard of Brit Hume?

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"sir!" = take a ... oh forget it, there isn't enough booze in the world.

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If they give Tweety another hour, perhaps the guests will have a chance to talk. What am I saying? It will just be another hour of Tweety leading up to a question.

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"To Catch A Contributer"

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<i>"how many friends do the Dems have left on air?</i>

I read somewhere how the entire mainstream media is liberal. So the answer is "all of them".

But, I gotta add, if they were any good at being biased, the Repubicans would have lost the last election. And Bush would never have won. And they wouldn't have dared impeach Clinton. And Reagan would be a footnote instead of Better Than Jesus™. So I guess you're right: the liberal media is a bunch of clown pants chumps.

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I'm not a worthless asshole. I am just trapped in a rectum's body.

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<i>"All liberals are pathological liars. Period."</i>

You're right! (But I'm a liberal, so my agreement is a lie. (Unless I just lied about being a liberal.))

More seriously, America is one of the most highly educated nations on earth. People have broad access to information in libraries, bookstores, newspapers and -- of course -- the internet. Events are documented in overwhelming detail - photographs, paper trail, contemporaneous accounts, emails. And yet there are profound disagreements about matters of fact.

Example: 9/11 was an inside job by Bush. Example: Obama not born in Hawaii. Example: Sharia Law in U.S. Example: global warming is a myth or a hoax

We claim Americans are smart, ingenious, wise. We believe our ideas will make people all over the world happier. But in public life we don't trust smart people who have ideas. They're elitists or hucksters or an enemy of some kind.

Rhetorically dismissing "all liberals as liars" presumes that all liberals blithely believe in falsehoods; that all liberals are wrong on the facts; liberals are blind to reality.

In my world, "liberal" and "conservative" is another way of saying "fellow citizen". I sincerely try listen, think and act respectfully. Our bipolar politics won't be cured until we start our thinking from "just the facts ma'am'".

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If your only point was that MSNBC's election night coverage was terrible, you are not going to get an argument from me.

However, your other point was that not having Hannity on it somehow made Fox's coverage less biased, and you're completely wrong, because they have plenty of other partisan hacks besides him on their payroll that they could (and did) choose from that night (i.e. Brit Hume).

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It only comes once a year as the culmination of a long period of hatred, yeah that sounds about right for them. If only Keith Olbermann were their daughter, that would be even more normal.

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Zombies never solved anything.

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NBC News is still run by old-school journalists. Many of them are embarrassed by the partisans on both side of the cable news talking heads war.

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That is only what Foxnews gave, if memory serves Fox stations give a crap load to political causes as well.

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Covering their asses and boosting the ratings for his (eventual) return. Old school.

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