<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=qwBABYMq9PQ&amp\;playnext=1&amp\;list=PLE6855DA1DAA9A84B&amp\;index=54" target="_blank">Bill Hicks already made all our jokes for us almost 20 years ago.</a>

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Yeah, I should have checked the linky sooner. I've been dismantling the wrong car for the last two hours.

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Yeah, what's the deal with the "p" scores? Are my points being used in a Ken-Layne-is-too-big-too-fail government bailout?

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Assuming "salt" is made of heroin now.

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That's not a tree, it's a coca bush.

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Tissue cultured from Keith could be used to construct the "black boxes" in commercial airliners.

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”Yes, I’ve been trepanned. I’ve got pictures of it. They cut my head, brain, skull open, went in and pulled out the crap and put some back in again.”

“I don’t sit in trees anymore.”

god this guy. i love this guy.

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" it’s funny, outrageous, crisply worded and filled with dumb rednecks, drunken judges, evil yokel cops, comical drug fiends and other varieties of politician"

Wait, Keith Richards is actually a writer for Wonkette?

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I know what happened to the car. The band smoked it. The whole thing.

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