Several acquaintances met Mrs. Ward at the Phoenix Trump rally. Like her, they hate anyone not God fearing and very white. Se's smart enough to know that there are plenty of suckers out there who feel the country has been compromised by people of color rather than the deterioration caused by corporate leaders and racist rhetoric. Her appeal is primarily to the "Tea Party" type with lower education levels who worked in less than stellar employment sectors. Read two books that explain the phenomena behind average white's supporting a person like Trump. This includes 400 Years: White Trash, and the Elegy of the Hillbilly. Both of these works go deep into the history of poor whites, and their place in America. The common thread they shared was feeling they were still better than Blacks and Brown folks. As the regular jobs failed to keep pace, and as this sector rejected education the dark people caught up, and know their shared virtue was at risk. Asians came to America and immersed themselves in education...leaving these chucksters in their wake.

Arizona has many good people but it is a bastion of bigotry and racism. Most ASU grad leave for greener pastures.

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Four cornered flat earth. You really need to find a big image so you can read the captions. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Sounds like Trump is their patron saint. I guess this explains why some people have decent intelligence and no heart.

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Tojo ran the military government. Hirohito approved his actions when necessary. But basically he was a showpiece. Had he shown real disapproval though, loyalists would have removed Tojo. And probably replaced him with an identical leader.

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White North Euro Republican Men Only. British descent at the top. Wogs start at Calais.

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"Normal" requires, or is that acquires, a new definition when talking about Republicans. They are still abnormal by and human or humane standard, they just don't drool on their tie.

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The new face of the GOP.

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Hirohito was the Emperor, Tojo was one of the top generals, so I'm thinking they were both pretty much the baddies?

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He is very endearing in that scene - trying not to laugh while Myers riffs on Colonel Sanders and failing.

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wait, she's Scottish, too?(Huma Aberdeen)https://assets.rbl.ms/18158...

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[I had a big crush on LaPaglia]

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[you had to remind me...a colleague of mine has a teabagger license plate.]

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I thought Tojo was the baddie.

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Arizona's candidate Martha McSally is former Air Force and a RWNJ. Not as nutty as Kelli Ward but completely devoid of empathy. She's an end-justifies-the-means type and the only good ends are what benefits her.

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"Normal Republican Lady Rep. Martha McSally." Yes, she's a Republican and a Representative (mine, in fact). But she's not normal (unless compared to Kelli Ward) and she'd probably spit on you if she knew you called her a lady. She is a former fighter pilot GODDAMIT who sued the Secretary of Defense for telling her she needed to cover her head when she when out and about in a Muslim country. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!! She also hates people in general (she prefers dogs) although she will kiss up to veterans, oldz,and especially old veterans, who are her most vocal supporters. For some reason they think she's cool, even though she would take away their vet benefits and Social Security if Paul Ryan told her to. She also kisses up to the Koch Brothers because they give her monies. Compared to any of these GOP candidates, Sinema is Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and St. Francis of Assisi all rolled up into one.

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