...she is right! Obama should do something much more subtle to scaremonger before an election, like raising the "terrorist threat level" or leaking bogus Intel to a New York Times hack!

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...errrr yeah! Cemeteries are very peaceful!

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ISIL spokesperson: "Sure, the bombs have killed a lot of our fighters, but we really don't feel like the Great Satan Obama's heart is in it."

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There are other websites? Weird.

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I thought that was the strategery we were already following.

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Nothing like when one political side accuses the other political side of *gasp* playing POLITICS near an election. Why, that's just outrageous! It's like politicians really, really want to win or something.

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What a clusterfuck Barry is and prolly has a pussy and Moochelle has prolly got a cock,how did we get soooo fucked up,sad part is even that makes more sense than these RWNJ

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So we just need to knee-jerk shout out THESE COLORS DON'T RUN or YOU MUST WANT ISIS TO WIN at anyone questioning the President's wartime decisions because that is how you handle things as they did during the previous President's war.

Don't worry if people think you are an idiot, if your response doesn't even make sense. Your dignity is just collateral damage on the home battlefield.

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