He has to rub people the wrong way. He gets a charge from it.

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Donnie Junior used those words, but I don't think he heard them.

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Can we get this said a little louder for the folks in back - AND the Doms who think their 'status' means they can be as abusive as they please because hello, Dom(me)? I meant to mention this on the first Eff Yew Schneiderman post: I am thoroughly sick of a**hole men using the excuse that their abuse was just 'kink'. There are right ways to play, and these jerkoffs ain't doin it.

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Guess that's why guys can't be mugged then, either.

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Republicans are, in a way, paying you a compliment. They believe you are like them.

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You both can keep em. Why anyone would want to ruin yummy chocolate with a small rock has always eluded me.

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Why hasn't Republican Joe Barton (Dick-Head -Texas) stepped down after sending porno photo's (by e-mail) of his big belly and teeny-weeny to his lover?


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Alan Dershowitz's best days are long behind him.

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Kinky got caught.

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Hope that they, along with the gajillion pills start to make you feel you better.

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Why thank u. How kind. :) (snuggleberries)

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ffs, too, also.

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After they hear three words: Go fuck yourselves.

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Combination of It's Always Projection and Politics Is A Horse-race. There is no morality other than situational morality with these clowns.

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Hey, spoilers!

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