The imagery is fine, lol. It was a great moment. I can't feel sorry for Trump's staff. They knew what a schmuck he was. Retribution, baby.:D

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He did say that and he respects women as a result.

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"Cubic tons" lolol

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Alienated 63 million people? Perhaps. Or, maybe, they alienated 62 million. Or 61 million. Who can tell? One thing we do know, though. The 65+ million who voted for Hillary were not alienated, so, that's a net gain.

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Sad but too true.

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It says RUMP, right? 'Cause...

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Nothing narrow there.

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Ah, but they, for some reason, did remember Roger Ailes.

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Reality is just not in KAC'S orbit.

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Can I just say it's a little fucked up that Colbert and the Emmys are taking all this heat about the Sean Spicer skit? Don't get me wrong, it's questionable. But what does it mean when a television comedian is held to a higher standard than Harvard University, who made Spicey a visiting fellow?

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“You’re alienating at least 63 million Americans […]"

and Trump is alienating the other 237 million, Ms. Trailerpark.

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That is suspicious. Hmmmm...

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But there isn't enough money for transgender troops, apparently...

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Ruin as many things for them as we possibly can, I say! Music, movies, Miss America pageants, parades, trips to the grocery store, coffee shops, social media — anything we possibly can. Because why should they get to enjoy anything? Why should they not feel alienated?

Reminds me of the WKRP episode -- Mic Fright, I think -- where Johnny tells people to throw their garbage on the steps of City Hall 😵

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And her Momma dresses her funny 😇

Bless her heart 😉

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If outraged conservatives didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent them 😂

(Voltaire, right 😵)

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