I've heard 'Intelligence' slants liberal, but do conservatives have 'Bureaus'?

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> We wish Kelly Anne Conway would stop


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Volunteer day for Putin, Tovarisch? Doing your patriotic duty good!

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"Meesa sad Jar Jar Binks ignored. Meesa not on TV."

- Jar Jar Binks

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Oh I'd totally sign up for 2 hours of Russian dashcam crash compilations. Much more entertaining the news for sure!

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Up next: Latvia, Georgia, Poland.....

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"I once caught a fish THIS BIG"

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It's like she's /trying/ to shit-eating grin, but ends up looking like she just ate shit.

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Why is she still around? What is her actual job title again? Maybe the media can keep itself busy with actual political players now, hm? I have enough faces I don't want to look at filling up my newsfeed, thank you very much.

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Wish in one hand, beeyotch, shit in the other and let me know which one fills up first.

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The day Mrs. Conway stops whinin' and lyin', "the base" turns on her and her family. She's as trapped as the rest of us.

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I'm a 73 year old computer dummy and still know enough not to change my password with a link inside this kind of phishing e-mail'

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Oh in shame I must correct my own rant. She is special adviser. Damn it.

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Guess I should read more better.

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Americans Wish Kellyanne Conway Would Stop Whining About Every Goddamned Thing, No Really

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If the shoe (so to speak) were on her foot and the Donald lost the election, he would be up to his eyebrows with his cry-baby antics. Conway is just another political hack who seem to think the potential for Russian interference o our security. I'm glad she is going home to her kids and leaving the heavy lifting of protecting this country to those who actually care about Russian meddling in our political affairs.

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