As the Buddhists say, if you focus too much on the destination you can't enjoy the trip.

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Yeah. It's odd how these Dolt supporters are all "takers".

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A blue collar worker who's good with his hands would have no problem in a nice, clean manufacturing plant assembling solar panels or wind turbines.

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A magistrate is someone who does the stuff a judge is too important to do. See one before court, and you might never have to face a judge.

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Yeah, I've detoxed from both alcohol and Ativan. Freaking nightmare. Alcohol detox is at least over in a few days. I was detoxing from Ativan for about 3 months, and had a grand mal seizure about 10 days in.

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Asking a question outside of a government proceeding? Why that's a class 2 felony in Trumplandia's traveling bubble of imaginary jurisprudence.

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It's been Left Behind, yes?

Therefore, obviously someone was raptured from your desk a moment before.

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If Tom Price and Kellyanne Conway have issues with reporters asking questions of GOP/Trump policy, maybe these jobs "in the public eye" are simply too tough for them, therefore, using GOP logic, they oughta FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO WORK if they have so many problems. In fact, let's all stand together and force them to find other places to work when the time comes.

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Reading between the lines: Let's get Garland off the Court of Appeals and put him in a job where Trump can fire him. Also, too, Trump gets to name Garland's replacement on the bench.

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Hard to tell. Africa is a really big country.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/image...

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Is that Dr. Sandra Lee, AKA Dr. Pimple Popper.

(No link because ewww gross. Check her out on YouTube if you're so inclined but don't say I didn't warn ye)

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Whoa, hey - it's not like he was black.

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Smart Okies moved to California, thereby lowering the average IQ of both states.

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The offspring and I binge-watched it late last year also too... and my god, we never wanted to leave that world.

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And Ryan...as co-conspirator.

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