Just start with bleach. Although everything there's pretty white already, it might just disinfect everything so the internal Witch Hunt could start out sparkling clean (in contrast to literally everything else in this administration).

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It will come out who wrote it, thats why they wrote it. They will do the circuit and sign deals blah blah blah...

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Lie detectors in the White House?

Better use those Super Duty Industrial grade machines made in Sweden or Germany. It won't look good as far as Nationalist Mercantilism is concerned but it is obvious that American made lie detectors are not going to work with the people donnie chose to surround himself with.

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They should ask him to try it out first to "set a benchmark" for telling the truth.

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The PeeResident is probably asking his friend Tayyip how to go about putting fifty million people in jail. He wants to show Vlad he can take care of this himself.

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Surely not Mother.

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I wonder if she knows Mother Hubbard?

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That hypocrisy is just another manifestation of the Republican motto, I got mine, eff' you!"

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"Republicans ... most are too greedy, selfish and hedonistic to actually practice ultra evangelical practices."True, but they enjoy making other people follow them.

Every abortion clinic has stories about women who have been protesting outside the clinic who sneak in for abortions for themselves or their daughters. THEIR abortions are completely justified, all the other patients are careless sluts.

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Sorry if my snark stepped on yours. Even some Wonkers haven’t read Agatha or even seen the earlier movies. I guess my poke at them didn’t go so well. FYI, I’ve been around here for a number of years under different names. I get bored using the same one indefinitely.

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There have been many grim times that I have clicked on Wonkette and said, “Okay, W. Make me laugh, STAT!” It usually helps. Wonkette also has made me cry a time or two, and that’s helped too.

Welcome aboard!

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Don't enable a profaner.The press is pretty far down the list of credit for the Orange One. By far, MOST mainstream newspapers and other media endorsed Hillary!

Then there's the electoral college. Trump actually got FEWER VOTES than the other gal, but won the election! That's MESSED UP!

James Comey, bless his heart, probably swung more than the 39,000 votes that the election turned on with his "October surprise" in 2016.Though, frankly, the race was Hillary's to lose, as all the polls showed. Lose it she did, running a poor campaign. And we should not forget the Russian thumb on the scale for Trump.

Then there are all those knuckle draggers who just want to be entertained, and voted for the entertainer in the race. Surely the average voter should demand more gravitas in the "leader of the free world" than a known ignorant liar, right?

Blaming "the press" for Trump's victory is like blaming the mirror for how bad you look.

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"Mother" Pence has children. Presumably they are Mike's. If not, who is the real daddy?

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"They seriously should have waited for the confirmation of Kavanaugh ...."I dunno, Kavanaugh is a pretty poisonous character they might not want too much attention paid to him.

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Hey potty mouth: can you speak an English sentence without profanity?!

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