Didn't this asshole already have his 15 minutes of fame? Figuratively speaking, of course...it felt more like 15 years at the time.

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When Ken Starr dies, authorities will have to hire 24/7 security to watch his disgusting grave to keep the masses from pissing and shitting all over it. He will be hated throughout history and his shit-and-piss-covered gravestone will live on as proof of that.

FUCK YOU, Ken Star, you inch-dicked, intellectually dishonst, partisan, rape-enabling traitor. Fuck you. Eat shit and die.

*Signed, everybody with a brain or the moral high ground.

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What more can be said about a total fucking asshole?

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Infinite thanks, Natalie! <3

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Butt Plug Kenny Starr fouled my fine state of California for a wee bit back when he was praying to Cheeses at Pepperdine while simultaneously screwing LGBTQs in his fight to reverse marriage equality during our Prop 8 era. Well, Chancelllor Cover-Up and the MILLIKONS spent by his Mormon Magic Underwear pal Mitt and Pope “Safe Harbor for Child Sex Offeners” Francis failed. We same gender folk who like our civil liberties are legal again, for now, despite Ken-Doll’s conservative Christian bigotry. Moon face Kenny belongs in Gut-Bucket Waco, TX along with Turd Cruz and them other shitheads who vote red.

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Oooo! I shall have to track that image down in the desperate hope that my stylist can prevail upon my cowlick to cooperate! Thank you!

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Fuck Ken Starr. FUCK Ken Starr. Fuck him to fucking hell, where he fucking belongs along with his smirking, lascivious little acolyte Brett Kavanaugh. Hypocritical pieces of shit, both of them. And, as if listening to Starr trying to present a smarmy rationalization of his past actions on NPR wasn't disgusting enough for one morning, they had to end the hour with a poppy little profile of Lee "God Bless the USA" Greenwood. Good grief.

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I cannot argue with that point.

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Of course, if Starr's...eh...(team is too flattering) mob had allowed Lewinsky to simply call her lawyer to begin with, instead of cutting her off from all contact, then the Lewinsky lawyer could have simply withdrawn her affidavit and she would have been free from any taint of criminal activity (and there would have been no way for Starr's mob to pressure her).

Of course, Starr was fired for covering up sexual assault on campus. Why am I not surprised?

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"Buy my book."

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Are there any eyries in Eerie? People are saying that there are some really eerie eyries in Eerie. Excellent.

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I would put nothing past these hypocritical assholes.

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Pepperdine probably realized what a useless waste of skin he was, so he applied to Baylor and got in.

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Be sure to mention that Kenny isn't at Baylor anymore because he was just fine with ignoring far worse than a consensual blowjob. Several times.

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