It is a reflection of her inner psyche.

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Yes, and Joe Biden didn't spend his honeymoon in Soviet Russia.

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So, what about Melania's Christmas decorations? The decorations seem ok, at least no murder trees that I saw, but her video still has her creepily walking around in eerie looking clothing showing off the stuff.ETA: I had not seen the hall of pointy stars and acrylic stuff when I wrote that.

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I also think it must suck to be that stupid. Unlike you, I mean all the disrespect in the world. I've no sympathy for these prats, either, because considering their utter lack of principle and human decency, it's very much for the best that they're stupid. Some none-too-bright people are pretty nice. Not these blokes.

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The Evangelicals would deny that most other denominations are Christian. Growing up Southern Baptist, I was told constantly that Papists [sic], Mormons, Unitarians, Episcopalians, and the like "were not real Christians".

I prefer not to act like them, and instead accept anybody's claim to Christianity if I have no reason to think they are insincere.

I will assert, however, that large swaths of Christians, especially the right wing Fundamentalists, ignore most or all of the moral teachings of Jesus as recorded in their bible. These teachings include:Do not make a public display of piety.Treat children kindly at all times.Do not swear oaths.Turn the other cheek.Give everything you have to the poor.Focus on cleaning up your own behavior before condemning others.Feed the hungry.Befriend the immigrants.Pay yer damn taxes.Etc.

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What do we do when one of our two political parties has given itself over, entirely, to a criminal enterprise? Seriously, WTF do we do??

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So say we all.

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I hope this perv is under investigation.

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Much luck to you.

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My dad said that about people loudly proclaiming to be Christians when doing business.

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Cold, barren and stark?

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I grew up Lutheran, which is the only true denomination anyway, according to Lutherans. and round and round we go...

for right wing Evangelicals of any flavor, the bible is both fig leaf and cudgel. claim Jesus for yourself while whacking everyone else upside their heads with Leviticus.

it's weaponized hypocrisy.

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yeah i was going to say... i saw one wee picture on some device at some point today and it looked dystopian

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