Kim Davis? Never mind, I didn't think that one through.

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So why did only 16% (or whatever it was) bother to vote for Governor?

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Doc, I'm hearing voices that are telling me to kill everyone on earth that does not believe what I believe. What should I do? (Doc starts calling 911) What should I do Doc, Jesus keeps telling me this over an over again. (Oh! It's religious piousness and we are not allowed to call that a threat or a mental disease).

I am really fucking sick and tired of complete mental illness getting a pass as long as you say you are doing your fucking ridiculous insanity in the name of your invisible sky daddy. Well, let me correct that, not just any one of the thousands of non-existent sky daddies but for Jesus specifically.

Fuck Religion. It needs to end and be turned into a Felony if practiced in public to people that do not believe your psychotic delusions.

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lolz who the fuck is responsible for the graphic design on the noah meets the dinosaurs poster. what a masterpiece.

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3rd grade when I lost my taste for mythology.

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Yeah, there are several world-class bourbon distillers within miles...hiring Boehner would not be prudent.

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Hey, that is good news. First I've heard of it. Thanks!

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The malcontents who usually rant about "MY TAX DOLLARS" are awfully silent now, for some reason. Too busy cherry picking points from the Bible about who underfunded schools are "God's will" or something. Oh well...

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So basically an imitation of her marriage.

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Hamm HAD to do this! The floating mask of Maude Flanders told him to.

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“Bringing non-residents into Kentucky who will spend money on food, lodging, gas, and tourist attractions will increase revenues and benefit the state’s economy through jobs and spending,” Tatenhove wrote.

So would a red-light district. Just saying is all.

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Does Wonkette have an online petition submission system like the White House where we can sign a petition asking for Evan be sent to the Ark? I'd sign that.

I mean, talk about pics or GTFO.

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Do they have alcohol? Even Disney let's people drink.

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If it did, I'd pay good money to see that. No, wait...

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