There goes one of the no-extradition havens.

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Well, "anyone" naturally refers to white folks.

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Don't go diving in that gene pool... you'll break your neck.

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We have a winner!

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That statue seems to have confused the hell out of the Casey County census taker.

0.33% Black or African American + 0.28% Native American + 0.06% Asian + 0.05% Pacific Islander + 0.31% from other races = 1.03% Given that there are 100 people in Casey County, this is roughly one guy. Judging from his mixed racial makeup, I'm pretty sure it's Barack Obama.

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It kind of looks like something a rather slow 3rd grader might make. It must be folk art.

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I am looking forward to what historians will say about this 50 years from now.

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I like watermelon! I sure hope that makes me black because I am so sick of white people, I want to secede from my race.

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A day in the life for those who live on the cultural cul-de-sac

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I call bullshit! The artistic rending doesn't include Obama's well-known (to WND readers) <a href="http:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2012\/10\/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah\/" target="_blank">secret muslin decoder wedding ring</a>.

Plus I've never seen him in a gray suit. If he actually wears such a thing ... MICHELLE: He's not good enough for you. "Mrs Michelle Pixelz" Please please please think about it.

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Who'd a guessed?

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Unlikely. We might be able to trade them for an inanimate carbon rod if we throw in Mississipi. Also Alabama, Texas, Arizona and South Carolina.

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