actually their cellphones have streaming.and hub capabilites so they can get internet on their laptop at home.. i know this because i know them..

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you got it right

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I have seen a magazine called "unschooling". Really. I did not read it but if you aren't going to teach your kids- why do you need a magazine?

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nah, I think I am pretty smart as are many people I know but not in a building or survival manner.

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Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah." (thanks to the Pythons)

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...and cleaner dirt.

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What does schooling of any kind - home, un, or otherwise - have to do with living in filth and feces? I am horrified and can't NOT look at this train wreck of a family.

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I started looking at the pictures of their shack on Saturday night, and spent all day Sunday obsessively scrubbing my house. Good lord, how can they live in that filth? How can anyone defend them living in that filth--or look at small children covered in snot and muck, sitting in piles of grubby blankets or cooking over open flames with food-encrusted utensils and pans, and claim they see nothing wrong? (I mean, I have kids, I know little kids can get dirty, but this isn't one or two pictures, it's every single one. Their "kitchen" is like an amusement park for bored bacteria to play in.)

Ugh. Off to wash my walls...

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So..they call it UNschooling ..don't worry about the kids if they get it on their own, if not, tough schitt..nice goals for a family, eh

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When I first started following this fiasco, I told Nicole that was a poor choice of quote and meme..not soon after that, I was banned from posting on the blessed little :( :)

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They all co sleep....yes, all of them..teens, tweets, 5-6 yr olds,babies..and mommas Nicole is preggers with # 11..we think..wonder how that happens

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The dogs ate the bunnies and chickens..free range, you know...

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They've burned their bridges with LDS..now they're stalking Bethel Fellowship!

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There is no current Homesteading allowed on US land. I see "homesteading" I hear squatting.

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Thought experiment: imagine this identical situation, only it was a blah family. Besides the fact that authorities probably would have shot them for resisting long before they had a chance to actually say "shoot me", imagine the howls of indignation from the Faux news crowd about the moochers and takers living off all that government largess and milking the system while living like animals. Sean Hannity would have a field day bemoaning the savages who keep popping out children for the welfare benefits while living in a cesspool of filth (thanks deleted commenter!)

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Nauglers have a Goddamn GoFundMe that has raised nearly $40,000 to help them fight off government interference

Now maybe they can afford to buy the good sticks.

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