'You still running that special on percocets?'

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The distinction between 'less sexual activity' and 'number of partners' is important. Even though a female may be monogamous, that can't be automatically said to be true for her partner. If he has more partners there is the real risk that he's still going to introduce HPV into that relationship.

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Well, yeah, but nothing can ever be the man's fault, where there's a woman who could, in some way or other, be blamed.

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And that bird poop had to be purchased from the British, who had bought the concessions to exploit the guano islands for peanuts in the 19th century. Some of the islands had accumulations over 100 meters thick.

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Actually they are. When Enron was on its downward spiral the administrator of the Texas teachers pension fund loaded up the fund with every share he could cram into it, moving them out of his private clients' portfolios. The end result? The pension fund almost went bankrupt and the administrator got a bonus.

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$4.85/oz, today it's about $4340/oz, generally cut with something else.

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Hell, every major German corporation that has survived from the war to now has some history of making something for the Nazis.

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He seems nice. And well-informed.

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so, by this butt nugget's line of reasoning, all through my childhood my parents were feeding me Zyclon-B whenever I had a fever, because Bayer is a descendent of I,G. Farben.

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Theme song:

♫ Ba-ba-ba-ba,Ba-ba-ba-ba,Ba-ba-ba-ba,ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba.

They certainly not British,Just now they're rather skittish,They're positively Yiddish,The Hebrew Family.

Ba-ba-ba-ba,Ba-ba-ba-ba,Ba-ba-ba-ba,ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba.

They're wailing' and they're sighin',Though Jesus was a scion,Their Elders are of Zion,The Hebrew Family.

Ba-ba-ba-ba,Ba-ba-ba-ba,Ba-ba-ba-ba,ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba. ♫

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This Colonel Sander wannabe’s babble is what one rightwinger once described to me as “technically wrong, but essentially correct,” by which he meant he knew it was bullshit, but he repeated it anyway because it served what he saw as a “greater truth.”

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Here they are usually nice young folks working their asses off because the pharmacies are chronically understaffed. Of course these are big chain stores.

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Again, I must quote my late mother, translated from the Yiddish: He should grow like an onion with his head in the ground and his legs in t

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Those guys don't really mind saying "I should have been more sensitive" when the point is always that they were wrong. But they'll never say "I should have done some research before I spoke as a pharmacist." Or "I should have been accurate."

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If it turns out you want those pills for pleasure then the answer is no. Actually it might work if you could say, "I don't enjoy sex personally but it's so my boyfriend can be happy."

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In 2006, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell was the Republican nominee for Governor. He ran a far-right, conservative Christian campaign. At one point, being antigay as expected, he said you didn't see homosexual behavior among farm animals. All of us who grew up on farms immediately thought, "He's never been on a farm."

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