Rep. Jablome became almost tumescent with indignation as he spoke of his opposition to the proposed legislation. "I am rigidly against this monstrous proposal", he sputtered, "almost turgid with rage at the effrontery of Rep. Marzian. Has she no decency, at long last no decency?" At this point, Rep Jablome was racked by an almost convulsive spasm. Inarticulate cries burst from his throat. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" he shouted, finally subsiding, completely exhausted, on the floor. In a nearby café, a customer turned to his waiter: "I'll have what he's having", he said, pointing at Rep. Jablome's prostrate form...
There were advocates in the US, almost always religious nuts, that advocated purposefully painful circumcision of children, both genders, in order to "curb sexual desires and associate pain with sex".
Dr. Kellogg, the holistic medicine quack that was the talk of the "health spa" scene in the 1900s? Advised for the use of carbolic acid and withholding of anesthesia when circumcising children.
And lots of women don't regret their abortions (spoiler alert, most of them don't). Many women regret having to have an abortion at all, because they weren't allowed to get contraception, or maybe they used contraception, but it isn't 100% even when used as optimally as possible, so they would rather have an abortion, than the child they were trying to avoid. There are the women who would regret not getting an abortion, but that they weren't allowed to get one, and so died. Or the women that weren't given a choice in the sex that caused them to get pregnant, but would like the choice in not remaining so.
Lastly, even if these women did regret their abortions, that doesn't give them the right to not allow others the chance to have one if they decide. My regretting having a bit too much champers celebrating the jiggery pokery, applesaucey death of a certain someone this weekend, doesn't mean that all alcohol should be outlawed. We tried outlawing that one, btw, not terribly successful either.
ETA: "silent! no more awareness" seems like a perfect fit for them, but I'm shocked they're so self-aware.
I would totally gay marry this woman! Two awesome ladies in government standing up for rights and shit all at the same time! What are the odds and how did we get so fucking lucky?!
Well, I am really happy for you that you found this enchanting picture, but I don't see why you had to share this with us. The eye eats first is all I am saying.
Seriously. There was also the brilliant idea of sewing your wife's vagina closed. Had to cut the strings to get into it again. A sort of monstrous chastity belt.
Actually, dipshit, I WAS against it with the offspring, but his father pushed for it. That's the more usual scenario.
So go away. And for your concern-troll misogyny pretending to be feminism, please go fuck yourself as you go away, mmmmkay?
Sadly, I learned about this from watching Drunk History.
I would love to read the comments and add my own dick jokes if it were allowed.
Hey, it's "pwning!" Speak, AMERICAN please!
Rep. Jablome became almost tumescent with indignation as he spoke of his opposition to the proposed legislation. "I am rigidly against this monstrous proposal", he sputtered, "almost turgid with rage at the effrontery of Rep. Marzian. Has she no decency, at long last no decency?" At this point, Rep Jablome was racked by an almost convulsive spasm. Inarticulate cries burst from his throat. "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" he shouted, finally subsiding, completely exhausted, on the floor. In a nearby café, a customer turned to his waiter: "I'll have what he's having", he said, pointing at Rep. Jablome's prostrate form...
Well, at least we could find it...
There were advocates in the US, almost always religious nuts, that advocated purposefully painful circumcision of children, both genders, in order to "curb sexual desires and associate pain with sex".
Dr. Kellogg, the holistic medicine quack that was the talk of the "health spa" scene in the 1900s? Advised for the use of carbolic acid and withholding of anesthesia when circumcising children.
Shit's fucked up, mang.
My scrotum would like to have a word with you once it's done with my knees...
"It's an American tragedy," said a bystander. "He was between getting his rocks off and a hard place."
And lots of women don't regret their abortions (spoiler alert, most of them don't). Many women regret having to have an abortion at all, because they weren't allowed to get contraception, or maybe they used contraception, but it isn't 100% even when used as optimally as possible, so they would rather have an abortion, than the child they were trying to avoid. There are the women who would regret not getting an abortion, but that they weren't allowed to get one, and so died. Or the women that weren't given a choice in the sex that caused them to get pregnant, but would like the choice in not remaining so.
Lastly, even if these women did regret their abortions, that doesn't give them the right to not allow others the chance to have one if they decide. My regretting having a bit too much champers celebrating the jiggery pokery, applesaucey death of a certain someone this weekend, doesn't mean that all alcohol should be outlawed. We tried outlawing that one, btw, not terribly successful either.
ETA: "silent! no more awareness" seems like a perfect fit for them, but I'm shocked they're so self-aware.
I like her.
I would totally gay marry this woman! Two awesome ladies in government standing up for rights and shit all at the same time! What are the odds and how did we get so fucking lucky?!
Earlobes and nutsacks.
I can see that she shaved and combed her hair-but how can you tell she shit? In fact, she actually looks a little constipated to me...
Well, I am really happy for you that you found this enchanting picture, but I don't see why you had to share this with us. The eye eats first is all I am saying.
Seriously. There was also the brilliant idea of sewing your wife's vagina closed. Had to cut the strings to get into it again. A sort of monstrous chastity belt.