Well they rebuilt the Tower of Babel, so why didn't they rebuild Sodom?

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"the stories are too difficult for Gretchen Carlson to follow, so how could a child? "


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I think of the Noah's ark and the flood as an ironic story. The Holy Land (the real one, not the Florida theme park) is somewhat arid. In Biblical times, people would endure droughts and famines, praying for rain. In the Noah story, their prayers are answered. And answered and answered. Until pretty much everyone is dead. Be careful what you pray for.

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Upfist for the Cosby reference. (We're old, aren't we?)

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Noah: "Sorry, Lord, I thought you said two <i>bleeding</i> liberals. Now what are we gonna do?"

Lord: "Dumbass. Excuse me while I go talk to that daughter you don't get along with."

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The 700 Club, 199 consultants, attorneys, and CPAs, and Mel Gibson to film the whole thing.

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If you gather each animal in K-Y, aren't they going to be too slippery to handle?

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I'm not sure there's enough gopher wood in all of Kentucky to pull this off. Gophers, yes, but they have some structural limitations.

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It's like their own Disney park. Call it Fantasy Land. Or Yesterday Land. Or Crazy Land.

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Many upfists for an Irish Rovers reference.

Perhaps Jeebus will visit the ark and answer the timeless question...why does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bed post overnight.

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A "full-size replica of Noah’s Ark," eh? That's gonna be interesting to see, since it's going to have to be at least four-dimensional if they're going to show the individual spaces within, where Noah managed his reptiles (8,000 species), amphibians (5,000 species), birds (10,000 species), and mammals (5,000 species). The Ark's accomodations for about ten million species of insects and other invertebrates would be cool to see, but I think the tour might get a bit tiresome. Food for the whole lot of them for 40 days must make for an impressive pantry, especially when you consider that there's two of everything. Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to the explanation of how Noah managed to come up with males of those parthenogenic <i>Cnemidophorus</i> lizards. All in all, this promises to be a hell of an interesting place.

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That's quite a selection. Your house sounds .... interesting.

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Those darned meddling humanists: always trying to put thoughts into heads where there weren't any before.

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