More bad news. We didn't mention where you're getting fucked.


Virtual upfist because Disqus is as consistent as the Supreme Court in just about everything.

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A relevant question: Are there ANY Rethug pols who could afford to have their returns made public?

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I actually get a monthly email telling me everywhere I've been. I thought about turning it off, but it occurred to me there was a possibility, no matter how slim, of being a person of interest soon after doing so and have the police view that as a suspicious action.

Of course, if we're calling them assassination coordinates...

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Black letter law for more than a century, I believe?

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

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Very standard, probably automated, followed by a quick human eye scan because software is fast and stupid.

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I think every person elected or appointed to any local, state, or federal leadership role should have to release their taxes, even candidates for such positions.

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I'm good with seeing the tax returns of SCOTUS. I'd also like to see Leonard Leo's (the puppet master of Duh Federalist Society). Lots of dark money there.

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totally normal too

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You act like the law applies to Republicans.

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They paid off his house to keep that from happening.

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Translation: We're all grifters who have taken massive bribes, sorry - "campaign contributions", and leveraged the fact that it's not insider trading if you're in congress, and we're terrified of what the public will do to us if they find out.

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$750 paid on $0 income, so his tax rate is...wait a minute...what percent is 750 of zero again?

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To be fair, that’s probably less because of coordination or anything, and more because it’s a facile and utterly predictable argument.

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social security numbers was one item I heard mentioned numerous times; perhaps home addresses and that sort of thing too.

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Maybe Mr. Brady is sending a message to the Supremes: overturn this ability of Congress to release taxes, or your tax returns will be next.

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I really cannot wrap my head around the fact that so many people feel the confidentiality of their tax returns is so very worthy of protection, but have no problem with all their credit information being perused any time they open a credit card or make a large purchase. What, exactly is it in one's tax returns that is so very private?

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