Democrats are "sick", "twisted", and "full of hatred" according to one of my older relatives (yes, their posts always read like bullet points handed out by Tucker Carlson). Yet, somehow - oh boy am I super surprised - somehow it always seems to be Republican supporters who laugh and cheer the idea of jailing, beating, deporting, killing their political rivals. Curious...

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It's the only damn thing Republicans understand.

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Kevin can fantasize all he wants about striking Nancy with his oversized penis substitute. Nancy gets to fantasize about serving him with her very real subpoena.

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Hear! Hear! Here's to you, Mr. Robinson.

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Queued up behind the pundits opining about Democratic bipartisanship.

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Penis Snake. I thought you were dead.

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What, you think Rachel's not going to have something to say about this? Or Lawrence? Or Joy? Or Chris Hayes? Just wait 'til tonight. You'll hear plenty, I guarantee it.

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No, it wasn't. Stop it. It was a stupid, disgusting thing to say but he obviously wasn't going to DO it. He's way too much of a pussy for that.

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whar heavy-set Reese Witherspoon?

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Because that is what he did. Doesn't mean it was funny. Many jokes are not funny. Some are gross, some are dangerous, some are lethal. But they're still jokes.

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That would only put her on his level.

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"Joke" refers to what he was doing, not whether it's funny. He was joking around. He was doing it like an entitled whiteboi terrified of losing his little dingus, but that's still what he was doing. Whether it lands the same way depends on who's listening to it. He thought it was funny and obviously so did the assholes he was talking to, but no actual civilized person would agree.

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If Kevin even tries I bet old lady Nancy will punch him in the nutsack so hard he will wind up needing a full penectomy. Rethugs love to claim that Dems are violent but have you noticed how violent they are? Like coup violent? Just sayin'.

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I don't think that will be a fantasy. I have a feeling that Qevin, Gym, and the rest of the coup Rethug supporters will find themselves with subpoenas. I just hope the sergeant-at-arms has the testicular integrity of using the Speaker's Mace to make them come quietly or else face the jail in the House basement.

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The media in this country has never been "liberal". That is a Rethuglian lie. They are the minions of the conservatives who own them. Actually, minion is too nice a word to use for them. They proved during the previous administration that they are only professional stenographers.

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This is a little bit off-topic, but CNN is reporting that a third police officer who was at the Capitol insurrection has died by suicide.

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