And married to an actual talented actress, not an escort/soft porn model

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Not sure, but the items the guy mentioned are pretty serious too -- maybe not proof that Bernie is the monster Republicans would cast him as, but he'd be forced to confront their allegations. Bernie does not handle confrontation with grace, and there'd be blood in the water.

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Are they married now? Last I heard they were engaged.

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Bernie actually played the super delegate issue to his advantage. Democrats had that system in effect for several election cycles but Bernie fans made it sound like it was a new plot to rig the primaries. In fact, having super delegates harmed Hillary and helped Bernie since Hillary had enough votes of super delegates were excluded after the California primary in early June 2016 to lock up the nomination. But because of the fact that super delegates were actually uncommitted, Bernie drug out his attacks on Hillary until after votes were cast on the convention floor in late July.

In fact, as opposed to his earlier claims they were in the bag for Hillary from the get go, Bernie started pounding on the claim they were totally uncommitted and could vote for him. Which was correct, but he had a different message earlier since it portrayed him as a victim of those mean DNC partisans. But we still hear people saying Bernie would have won if the super delegates didn't hate him and the DNC hadn't rigged the rules they passed years earlier against him.

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So how come the Democrats will always have to answer for Bill Clinton and whatever vague nonsense about stuff like Benghazi with Hillary, yet Republicans slide by sleazeballs like convicted child molester Denny Hastert, convicted crook Tom Delay, strangely-not-convicted Diaper Dave Vitter, etc., etc.? Oh, and going to war under false pretenses. Little things like that.

It's not fair!

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I’m honestly not up to speed on the celebrity stuff, that’s Mrs. Cogburn’s department

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I look EXACTLY like Jerry Garcia, and I never said the primary was rigged

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Stop calling it socialism. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Why are you surprised the Republicans repeat Russian propaganda? "Rigged" has always been vote-suppressing Russian propaganda. Is this news in 2020? barnie profited from Russian propaganda. He never spoke against it. He will never speak against it. Bernie is in for Bernie. And he is Russia's preferred candidate for 2020, because Trump would beat him like a drum.

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Just because McCarthy's words seem to make sense doesn't mean they do make sense. (Can you, if you wait a while, know that the bottom line will be? There are no things that do not come about when they are supposed to happen. Never in history has this been more true than the moment we begin to look at it closely and see that nothing ever was. I cannot make it any clearer than that.) He is a distraction in that he seems to be saying something, but in fact is saying nothing at all. Eanestly.

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I would think that after Trump, politicians from both parties would never think "oh, this horrible candidate would be easy to beat!" You wind up with your worst nightmare in office. I knew lots of Democrats who rooted for Trump in the primaries bc they thought we'd get a 1964 or 1984 blowout. Meanwhile, they were more worried about Bush or Rubio, both of whom I think HRC would've beaten in her sleep.

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You know McCarthy was pouring on the old oil, when he employed the proper "Democratic" party. He had to practice not saying "democrat party" in the mirror for 10 or 15 minutes

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That's gotta chap trump's fat ass.

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Set and match.

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It'll be the new "fetch"!! Oh, wait...

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The GOP has servers and binders full of oppo slag on Sen. Sanders. It'd be dirty, and sickening, and they are licking their chops.

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