Ooh....Viscount Hairgel! I am so going to borrow that....

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Wikipedia tell me this (but says "Citation needed" a couple of times too, so caveat emptor)...

<blockquote>The individual [German Aldi] groups were originally owned and managed by brothers Karl Albrecht and Theo Albrecht; Karl has since retired and is Germany's richest man. Theo was Germany's second richest man until his death in July 2010.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Trader Joe's was founded by Joe Coulombe and has been owned, since 1979, by a family trust set up by the late German businessman Theo Albrecht, one of the two brothers behind the German discount supermarket chain Aldi.</blockquote>

TIL Aldi is derived from "Albrecht Discount".

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IRAs weren't meant to include value-exploding tax shelters for the very rich, either. Unintended consequences happen. In the case of food stamps, the very real benefit to millions of poor recipients undoubtedly outweighs the occasional benefit to the undeserving better-off.

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Only an ingrate who didn't know their place would complain about the golden stream of humiliation. Maybe next time they'll get a job so they don't need a handout and a "free bath", etc.

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That's what I don't get. I'm weird, it's true, and in addition Palin never did it for me. I don't know what it's like to have <i>that</i> bad of a case of semen backup. Even if she never opened her mouth, I've already read quotes attributed to her. Can't imagine what she'd be up for that could offset the idea of <i>her</i> being followed around by the nuclear football. Then again I never got a chubby for Eva Braun either...

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Brain damage must be contagious. It is the only explanation. It's an epidemic folks!

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Shame? Where the hell did your fucking empathy go?

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Well, obviously, there goes the neighbourhood.

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He's a total douche...but I can't really get mad at the guy who played Mr. Incredible, though.

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It would be nice to have a snappy retort that would work. "There's more proof of Obama's birth in Hawaii than there is that tax cuts create jobs." Or, "too bad the facts are against you".

But it's willful ignorance. Like the meme that "Obama goes around the world apologizing for America". The Google can't find where he said anything like that anywhere. I call this the "one minute debunk". Something that would be outrageous if it were true. But one minute with google shows it's not true.

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Getting "back into the working world" is purely a matter of choice. Yeah. There is no conceivable circumstance in which anyone, in any part of the US, would fail to get back into the working world once they decide they no longer want to sponge off family members or the gubmint, etc.

I would crawl under my bed and wait until the bitterness faded if I had one.

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Wikipedia sez... <blockquote>In October 2008, Keith told CMT that he had left the Democratic Party and has re-registered as an independent. "My party that I've been affiliated with all these years doesn't stand for anything that I stand for anymore," he says. "They've lost any sensibility that they had, and they've allowed all the kooks in. So I'm going independent." He also told CMT that he would likely vote for the Republican ticket, partially because of his admiration for Sarah Palin.</blockquote>

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Surely Trader Joe's is doing <i>something</i> wrong, somewhere, but no interaction I've had with 'em in 15 years has revealed it.

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I love the chyron text at the bottom of the screen when the video is not running. Baker refuses to take food stamps as payment...making it the second deadliest day in Iraq since US troops ...

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