I see JD got the Banhammer. Was that Josh Duggar?

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He used the word "execrate". Too many syllables for Josh.

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Considering the minimal education Josh got, I believe you're right.

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Because only "welfare queens" are a danger to their children. Duh! Doesn't Republican dogma teach you anything, nowadays?

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Something something hand up the butt of Pedobear something, oh fuck who cares?

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Mmm, assumes facts not in evidence. We know fuck all about this guy.

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Hold that thought.

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The whole supply and demand issue is indeed the counter argument to leniency for first time offenders- people wouldn't be abusing children to make that CP if there wasn't an audience for it. There's also the issue that not all CP is alike- technically, millions of people who followed the Gawker links to see J Law's nekkid pix fron 4ch could be accused of viewing child porn (though there would never be enough to base charges, obv). I wouldn't paint them in the same category as hardcore CP addicts the same way I wouldn't paint some kid caught smoking a joint as being the same as some habitual junkie who's in and out of jail every other week. But overall I'm with you, while I can see why some discretion for some idjit who got drunk and followed his browser to the dark side once vs. some hardcore CP addict makes sense, the welfare of anyone caught with that shit is waaaaaay down on my empathy to-do list.

The important thing here though is none of that has fuckall to do with this story. Josh wasn't some good kid who screwed up once- he's a serial molester with multiple victims spanning a couple years at the least. And officer kiddie porn wasn't some fool with a couple of disgusting pictures on his HDD, he was a hardcore habitual CP collector who spent years amassing pix. He started right back up again after being released from prison and was trolling Yahoo chat rooms and aggressively seeking out that filth. Fuck Josh, fuck officer kiddie porn and fuck JD for trying to make excuses for those two.

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He's not better, he just has more to lose since he's on parole

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looks like dissing the ponies is a hanging offense around these parts- we got a two-fer today with this story

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Yep, and the feces-throwong chimps thst run TLC is proving that they learned their lesson and want to change their wicked ways by offering the Duggars MORE spin-offs. Apparently one has to commit necrophilia before your too awful to keep on the airwaves.

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What a delightful Christian family.

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I missed it too, but the name "JD" and the comments about being pedantic is...familiar to me. What was his full username, out of curiosity?

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I just laughed way more than I should have.

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No fair. So may "J"s...

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TLC already has another family lined up from what I hear. Some other family with 19 kids that actually appeared on the Duggar's show. This clown car vag belongs to the Bates family & word is their show will be called "The United Bates of America". The family that screws together stays united I guess.

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