Nothing like doing exactly what they want you to do to confuse your enemies. Huckster just lost another lost cause.

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Mutual 69 pity fuck.

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Oooooba doobah! It 'pears they're springing Ms. Kimmers from the hoosegow.


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Yes, while I am technically not a lawyer, I know several, and have seen teevee shows, and understand words like therefore and whereas, I can say for certain that ALL the laws on the books, insofar heretofore QED, are laws granting people the ability to do things, and not the opposite: prohibiting things.

That's totally how The Laws™ work.

Now, ask me about Jesus stuff and Cinnamon Therapy!

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Okay, who hijacked Fox News? Who approved reasonable questions and viewpoints? Heads will roll!!!

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When Fox calls a right wing attorney an idiot, you know the attorney is way off base. Mat Staver was the dean of the Liberty University law school until last year. But listening to his comments on the Fox clip, you would think he flunked high school history and civics classes, if he made it to high school at all. Says a lot for the quality of Liberty University. As if most people did not already know that.

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No hooray as they fail to be ironic in their applications of the bible. Stick to the rules people!

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I wish I had some kind of religion, I would pray so hard to make all the locks jam to keep that weirdo locked away inside.

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I'm pretty sure that Fux News' stance on this issue signals the End Times.

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nah, they figured that the kids only need to go to school once a week for their "bahble" lessons.

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I'm not sure, but I have the impression that yes, this is her proposed "compromise".

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Hopefully, it'll be a prison cell, and not some hometown hoosegow.

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They just refuse to defend a Democrat, no matter how radically conservative she is.

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I say they purposely schedule it in the middle of Spring break, just to really screw with everyone's vacation plans. You know, kinda like how Kim Davis screwed with everyone's honeymoon plans.

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In their defense, carrion beetles are extremely hygienic and provide a necessary service for the ecosystem. Not sure about KD's lawyers.

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A lot of employers see Liberty University on a resume, and just throw it in the old circular file. No one learns anything there, and this guy is just additional proof. (Though I, personally, think he's totally cynical and full of crap and just using Idiot Kim to advance an agenda.)

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