I hear vinegar and liquid Dawn dishwashing soap is good for getting out those stubborn Orly Taitz one sometimes gets.

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kawoodson's comment history shows that he/she is a good guy/gal. Probably just needs some time to get up to speed on Wonkette's unique... style?

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Proposition: Mat Staver is a bigger idiot than Kim Davis. Discuss.

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So, since the definition of insanity is repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result; can we now call extreme versions of insanity "kimdavis"?

An example: Mike Huckabee thinks he's going to be President. Man, that is so kimdavis!


The Republicans are voting to defund Obamacare again. That is so kimdavis.

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I get so riled up reading about Davis's crap that I do jumping jacks, flash.

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you win an internet

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You go to court with the only attorneys so ideologically driven and so hellbent on subverting the Constitution that they will take this case.

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Pope is too busy trying to ram basic decency on the subject of divorced Catholics down the throats of his own bishops to deal with Kim Davis.

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From the headline: ...My Gay Butthurts...Lord, if I had a dime for every time I said that!

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Southern Poverty Law Center www.splcenter.org. They are AWESOME.

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I imagine this is costing the Liberty Council way less than they gross on the fund raising. The appeals will end when the effort cost too much.

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I wouldn't be too sure about that. A lot of people can't even afford an attorney and all these futile court cases are costing them money. Going to court is not cheep.

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I've got it: she don't spell too gude, and she's confoosin' nogays with a certain Southernism for Blacks....

mark "wonder if she denies them licenses, too?"

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Liberty Council musta run outta money so they figured this would be a good way to work over the slack jawed locals for more grift moniez. Sadly they are correct there.

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Well, there is a ruling already. Unsurprisingly they ruled against her.

You can find the ruling here:http://files.eqcf.org/cases...

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Bad snark. This is just a fundraiser for the attorneys. They know Kim'll lose. They hope she does so they can grift this all the way to the Supreme Court.

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