Well then, Republicans will just find some way to take the USPS's money away. Or crank up their pension funding requirements and stuff again. They'll figure out some way to further sabotage the postal service.

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Yes. The problem is the Dems are at a disadvantage here. There is no mechanism to just appropriate emergency funding as there would be if the USPS was funded through Congress. There are rules for oversight which is what the GOPers used to fuck with the pension requirements, but not for funding.

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It turns out that Newsweek is owned by one of those Korean authoritarian cults, like an updated version of the Moonies.


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Newsweek is now owned by a Korean authoritarian cult, an updated version of the Moonies.


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Certainly I, as a white male, am happy to know that I will not be judged differently due to the color of my skin.


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Once again, people with letters after their names prove they are still stupid. (Hi, Jordan.)

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Minor grammar correction: It is either "there" or "theirs", with the latter archaic and an incomplete sentence.

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Why is she wasting her time in politics when she could do something worthwhile like science?

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Dead nuns are rapping my knuckles. I do know better..

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He's the token Jew.

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It's the same "two generations of citizens" crap, that was dragged out for Obama.

Going OT here, but one of the precedents was Elk v Wilkins, what did Wilkins do that caused the elk to sue?

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John Eastman, a Ph.D. and longtime law professor/former law school dean who has litigated countless cases at the Supreme Court and previously clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas,

No further questions, your honor.

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He's Jew-ish.

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Hang on, remember all those flights between the two Jared has been on lately? No?

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There is another question. It's an important one too.

Why didn't he mention that he ran for office against her and gotten beaten. He got trounced.

Might have been an important bit of disclosure.

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