Woke Libraries Won't Let Kirk Cameron Groom Kids With Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate, How RUDE!
Wait 'How RUDE' was his garbage sister's TV show.
Kirk Cameron used to be Mike Seaver on "Growing Pains," and that was the last time he was ever useful to the world, because he grew up to become a white fundamentalist Christian bigot scumbag. Now he is being denied his GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to groom YOUR CHILDREN at the library.
Oh no, the scumbag anti-gay Christian is being victimized!
Now you might be thinking, wait a second. Isn't there some asshole prick fundamentalist Christian graphic artist at the Supreme Court right now complaining that she should be allowed to deny services to gay weddings, even as she wants to provide them for straight weddings? There is. Her name is Lorie Smith, and she's being represented by a hate group called the Alliance Defending Freedom. It's a whole thing.
She is a victim, obviously, of hypothetical gay couples who might want her to make some kind of tacky comic sans website for their wedding or something. ( Her business website is not impressive.)
And Kirk Cameron is a victim, because if drag queens are allowed to do story hours at libraries, why can't he read his fascist Christian hate book to innocent children?
Fox News is leading the chorus of lamentations, claiming that Cameron has hit up more than 50 libraries, and they have all told him to go eat a fuck in hell. Fox says Kirk Cameron "cannot reach scores of American children or their families" because of this censorship tyranny. (Sounds creepy.) They bitch and moan that these libraries have Drag Queen Story Hours and other gay events. They put "drag queen" in scare quotes, like it's a new term.
Cameron's publisher, "Brave Books" (we can scare quote too), tells Fox that the Rochambeau public lib'ary in Providence, Rhode Island, said, "No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space." They continued: "We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align." In other words, fuck you, DJ Tanner's older brother. .
According to Fox News, that library? Has a thing? On its website? Called "queer umbrella"! It's some kind of queer club for teenagers!
But Kirk Cameron is not allowed to groom kids with his fundamentalist Christian hate. : (
They tried to call the City Heights/Weingart Branch Library in San Diego to set up a Kirk Cameron Story Hour, only to be told, "I don’t think that’s something that we would do." AND THEN somebody at that lib'ary said, "Because of how diverse our community is, I don’t know how many people you would get." Warmest regards, though!
That library? Got itself a QUEER BOOK CLUB. Buncha other LGBTQ+ events too.
But no Kirk Cameron. : (
Alameda County Library system at the San Lorenzo location? "You know, I'm really sorry, but we are not interested."
The San Lorenzo Library, however, hosted a "get free help" clinic this month with Bay Area Legal Aid attorneys and volunteers for those interested in "completing name and gender marker change court paperwork and updating identity documents such as CA birth certificates, driver’s licenses/ IDs, passports and Social Security cards ," the library notes on its website.
The event, as the library writes on its site, "is part of our ‘Every Month Is Pride Month Series.’"
Fundamentalist Christian voices of hate are not and should never be treated as "the other side" of support for LGBTQ+ issues. Spaces like libraries should make every effort to protect children from their grooming.
The Fox News article just goes on and on and on, quoting every single rejection from every single library, and platforms Cameron himself to give quotes like "This is proof that more than ever, we are getting destroyed in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children." And this:
Cameron also said, "Publicly funded libraries are green-lighting ‘gender marker and name change clinics’ while denying a story time that would involve the reading of a book that teaches biblical wisdom. How much more clear can it get?"
He added, "We have to start fighting back, or we will lose our kids and this country."
In other words, he opened his mouth and confirmed why libraries want to protect kids from him and his filthy book.
Anyway, this is why "Kirk Cameron" has been trending all day, because he is the real victim, because white fundamentalist Christians always are, and he thinks he has the right to talk to YOUR CHILDREN at the library.
Parents beware.
[ Fox News ]
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I just explained the other day to a group of adults that legitimizing the LGBTQmunity would not topple the population because everyone'd become queer and never fuck anyone of the opposite sex again cause it don't work that way. Every last homosexual, bisexual, transexual, trysexual or heterosexual I ever met knew they were of their persuasion before they were old enough to have a word for their particular bent. Before gay marriages were made legal, the same ratio of the population fir into these categories and it ain't gonna change. I dunno if it made sense. Fuck it. Maybe I lost another job.
H- h... H. Hold on a sec, thar. My parents were raised to be strict fungies- I mean, Fundies (Catholic and Christian) which they rejected and sent me to a Unitarian Church. I sure the fuck don't want my kids embracing even so called "enlightened" Christianity. As for random fucker at a library, we agree.