I just explained the other day to a group of adults that legitimizing the LGBTQmunity would not topple the population because everyone'd become queer and never fuck anyone of the opposite sex again cause it don't work that way. Every last homosexual, bisexual, transexual, trysexual or heterosexual I ever met knew they were of their persuasion before they were old enough to have a word for their particular bent. Before gay marriages were made legal, the same ratio of the population fir into these categories and it ain't gonna change. I dunno if it made sense. Fuck it. Maybe I lost another job.

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H- h... H. Hold on a sec, thar. My parents were raised to be strict fungies- I mean, Fundies (Catholic and Christian) which they rejected and sent me to a Unitarian Church. I sure the fuck don't want my kids embracing even so called "enlightened" Christianity. As for random fucker at a library, we agree.

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You win the coveted No-Prize!

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The Replacements is based on the true story of the NFL strike. The Sentinels brought in replacement players to finish the season.

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I never got the appeal but it is all subjective.

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You could find that remote and actually lock out Fox News so that nobody could access that kind of hate speech in the future.

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It always was the crappy knock off of Family Ties with Michael J. Fox.

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One library told him that he could fill out paperwork and reserve a community room like everyone else for his reading, but in no way were they going to be involved by associating or promoting it.

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Wow, what a charmer you are!

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You ain't gonna be round here very long. Make the worst of it.

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How long y'think it'll be before this un's gone?

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I dunno, when's shift change at the troll farm?

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I checked the bot and found 3 comments, all of them harassing, flagged 'em all; and then noted the bot had a follower that of all things was / is a kissybot to that fucking dating site. What the Fuck!

ETA: Along with the troll, flagged the kissybot.

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Two for the price of one!

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Love the Don Jr. beard on the Kirkster. Makes them both look so...weird.

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The one in blue looks like she's about to put a toe over that threshold so she can say she was there.

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