I don't care. This is bad enough, LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!

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I don't think that video was very expensive, unless they went to Europe to do it. (plane ticket prices, you know)

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Explain every word. (And leave out the superfluous "J's," Kjirstjen Njielsejn.)

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I never liked the name " Department of Homeland Security" from the get go. It doesn't rhyme with Fascism but it has that sound to it. I know, it was created in the hysteria after 911 and everybody wanted to get the "War on Terra'" cranked up. But making a new agency with the ominous sounding "Homeland Security" was a bad idea. It was bound to be used as a domestic political weapon by some administration. All it took was electing an idiot con man suffering from advanced Munchausen Syndrome and here we are.

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If only.

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The Trump administration has so often declared that asylum seekers are illegally entering the country that even the liberal press is saying it. People who request asylum are legally able to enter the border to request asylum anywhere on the border. Official border crossings are/were preferred but asylum applicants can legally enter anywhere on the border, north or south. Quit calling them illegal entrants. Words matter.

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Canada had to change their policies when ill eagles fleeing US were dying at their border, in the middle of winter, freezing to death. Yes, there was an Underground Railroad of sorts to take people from US into Canada safely. May still be some remote areas.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Funny you should mention it, but I just viewed a clip of John "Adult In The Room" Kelly lying to the Jr Senator from CA about separating children from their parents. Lying to Congress. When does it end? When do we start legal proceedings against these asswipes??

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Has Kirstjen Njjjieljson been going out to eat lately?


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I never thought I'd miss the old Bush Homeland Security where the only thing they produced was new org charts. The name was still ominous, but at least they weren't putting kids in cages.

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OH OH OH.... I KNOW!!!

A Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy OF SUNSHINE!

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Just another wing nut GOPita with the crazy eyes.


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You forgot the color coding and the "Heck of a job, Brownies."

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If we saw this happening in another country, there would be legitimate calls for U.S. sanctions against the perpetrators. At least, there would have been, in the era before Trump started turning the executive branch into a total shithole.https://www.amnesty.org/en/...

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They think it's just terrible that America continues to be the sort of place where people go to seek asylum. Well, certain types of people, anyway. And we really ought to do something to put a stop to it!

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