I have nothing to say but "Bravo!" to this, C_R_Eature. My heart goes out to all scienteers and federal employees and private sector workers affected by this farcical debacle.
The maddening thing is that their goals have nothing to do with serving all the people. It's just to serve those who vote for them and give them money.
They won't let it get to the point where SS is shut off. These asshats need those fox watching elderly white folks (like my father) to reelect them. These folks may scream that the poor shouldn't get "entitlements", but they are willing to hoover them up themselves and would string you up for saying otherwise.
And in fact it is, and I'm being serious here. Despite its controversial nature, we do actually need to maintain a robust intelligence capability. No excuses for abuses or violations of law though.
According to the Big Bang model, light (free-traveling photons) was first emitted well before large-scale aggregations of baryonic matter gravitationally collapsed to form stars and the Universe's large scale structure emerged. Photon decoupling, as evidenced by the cosmic microwave background, is thought to have occurred when the Universe was around 380,000 years old. (The CMB is the remnant of the first "flash" of light in the young Universe.) The first stars are believe to have developed much later when the Universe was sometime between 500 million and 750 million years old, or some 100 million or more years after the creation of the first atoms. So Genesis inadvertently got this one little detail (light came first, stars later) right, kinda sorta, apparently.
There are not enough fucks in the universe that can be forsaken to account or atone for this shit. This is the dark side of instant global communication. Everyone gets to hear form the dumbest, most narrow minded dung heaps of humanity. ALL OF THE FUCKING TIME !!! I don't have the words to express how angry and revolted I feel about both the current situation or the probable future. I have no hope for anything good or even useful to come from either.
I've had that- pretty good. I like some of the stuff from Flying Dog like their Gonzo or their Truth Imperial IPA. My go-to lately has been Racer 5 from Bear Republic, Torpedo from Sierra Nevada or Sculpin from Ballast Point
They are proof of God's triumph, in their minds anyway. To everyone else they proof of either the non existence of divinity or that God with a capital letter really is an absolute fuckweed.
unfocused rage, blind cult like loyalty to their tribe with the ensuing hatred of 'the other', a completely overblown sense of entitlement and to top it off they are all dumber than a box of rocks
Hopefully the assweasels will see the campaign funding dry up significantly in the next election cycle. Then more compliant canidates will appear in their place. We are fucked either way.
Yes, they are dumber than they look, meaner also too
Worse yet, they are the most unbelievably gullible bunch of fools I've ever seen. They'll believe any nonsense one of their clueless leaders tells them, no matter how transparently phony. In fact, that may partially explain their tribalism and their irrational fear and loathing of outside information. It may be an unconscious defense mechanism, because at some level they realize they are the world's perfect marks and will fall for any baloney that comes along, so they isolate themselves in their echo chamber bubbles to limit the damage.
I have nothing to say but "Bravo!" to this, C_R_Eature. My heart goes out to all scienteers and federal employees and private sector workers affected by this farcical debacle.
The maddening thing is that their goals have nothing to do with serving all the people. It's just to serve those who vote for them and give them money.
Scratch that - only those that give them money.
They won't let it get to the point where SS is shut off. These asshats need those fox watching elderly white folks (like my father) to reelect them. These folks may scream that the poor shouldn't get "entitlements", but they are willing to hoover them up themselves and would string you up for saying otherwise.
<i>&quot;Few people are going to spend freely with this level of uncertainty.&quot;</i>
I seem to recall hearing a lot of yammering about this very problem, not long ago. Can&#039;t recall exactly who was doing the yammering.
There is still time to gerrymander.
Wrong. On-line gaming.
And in fact it is, and I&#039;m being serious here. Despite its controversial nature, we do actually need to maintain a robust intelligence capability. No excuses for abuses or violations of law though.
According to the Big Bang model, light (free-traveling photons) was first emitted well before large-scale aggregations of baryonic matter gravitationally collapsed to form stars and the Universe&#039;s large scale structure emerged. Photon decoupling, as evidenced by the cosmic microwave background, is thought to have occurred when the Universe was around 380,000 years old. (The CMB is the remnant of the first &quot;flash&quot; of light in the young Universe.) The first stars are believe to have developed much later when the Universe was sometime between 500 million and 750 million years old, or some 100 million or more years after the creation of the first atoms. So Genesis inadvertently got this one little detail (light came first, stars later) right, kinda sorta, apparently.
There are not enough fucks in the universe that can be forsaken to account or atone for this shit. This is the dark side of instant global communication. Everyone gets to hear form the dumbest, most narrow minded dung heaps of humanity. ALL OF THE FUCKING TIME !!! I don&#039;t have the words to express how angry and revolted I feel about both the current situation or the probable future. I have no hope for anything good or even useful to come from either.
I&#039;ve had that- pretty good. I like some of the stuff from Flying Dog like their Gonzo or their Truth Imperial IPA. My go-to lately has been Racer 5 from Bear Republic, Torpedo from Sierra Nevada or Sculpin from Ballast Point
They are proof of God&#039;s triumph, in their minds anyway. To everyone else they proof of either the non existence of divinity or that God with a capital letter really is an absolute fuckweed.
unfocused rage, blind cult like loyalty to their tribe with the ensuing hatred of &#039;the other&#039;, a completely overblown sense of entitlement and to top it off they are all dumber than a box of rocks
Hopefully the assweasels will see the campaign funding dry up significantly in the next election cycle. Then more compliant canidates will appear in their place. We are fucked either way.
Yes, they are dumber than they look, meaner also too
Worse yet, they are the most unbelievably gullible bunch of fools I&#039;ve ever seen. They&#039;ll believe any nonsense one of their clueless leaders tells them, no matter how transparently phony. In fact, that may partially explain their tribalism and their irrational fear and loathing of outside information. It may be an unconscious defense mechanism, because at some level they realize they are the world&#039;s perfect marks and will fall for any baloney that comes along, so they isolate themselves in their echo chamber bubbles to limit the damage.
Evolution? Were you there?
that would require a degree of self awareness and critical thinking skills that they do not possess