That's OK; that means more artery clogging goodness for me!

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Ask a silly question.... 😏

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Hugo Black, too, to his lifelong regret.

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Despite Nixon's well-known "southern strategy" he was just paying attention to what southerners had already done. Southern Democrats went batshit crazy over LBJ's carrying on JFK's civil rights initiative. They all voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964, because Senator Goldwater had invoked states' rights and voted against the Civil Rights Act. There were photos of Johnson shaking hands with Martin Luther King in the Goldwater campaign literature, like that was a Bad Thing. Sure worked in Georgia.

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"In the name of Jesus, I take down this flag." Yeah, Bree lost me on that.

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Wha? I was talking about my grandpa the carpenter, like Jeebus!

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The night they took old Dixie's flag down.And all the people were singing.

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Based on my own experience, when you surmise that someone is kidding, because come on, they must be kidding, right? ... they are not kidding.

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No, no, no, no, no ... no papists. The KKK has always been anti-Catholic. Irish people aren't white enough.

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White Darth Vader is white.

And he is definitely not Darth Kitty.

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We're misled whites. We need to be reeducated in order to take full advantage of our skin-cancer prone greatness.

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I thought it was the messcans who were robbing and raping and murdering.

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Well, "black culture" is also impossibly broad, just less so. A black kid moving from Brooklyn to the Mississippi Delta is going to have a hell of a culture shock, let alone one who moves into a mostly Somali or Eritrean neighborhood.

I just wish we had a better term than "African-American", as it doesn't do a good job at differentiating between the culture and experiences of a guy who grew up black in the suburbs of D.C. with a guy who just immigrated from Nigeria (etc.). We don't call whites whose ancestors came from various European countries over a century ago "European-Americans"; we just call 'em white Americans. Maybe it'd be better to make a distinction between Americans who are black and actual African-Americans (those who actually speak an African language as a native tongue, grew up in Africa, etc.). *shrug*

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There should absolutely be rainbow sheets. that would be so perfect as to be utterly perfect.Can we google rainbow all the white sheet pictures?

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Why isn't your can of bud light deep fried?

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yeah, the same ones who tell you to read a history book, and when you point out that Republicans used to be the liberals, they freak out and call you names while telling you not to insult themwhich is when it is time to snark and laugh

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