No, he just can't believe it's not butter.

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Is someone going to ask him where Chris Christie's phone was for 2 years during that prosecution? Um "Honest mistake" isn't a great reason for the head of the FBI to withhold evidence in a criminal matter. He may need to think on that one.

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His company did business with Russian energy companies, so, Ima say "yes".

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Well, either Warren Beatty or Mick Jagger went up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun so maybe it's not that unusual, Ima sayin'

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"you know this earthling?"

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I misread that as "Must.Not.Go.Goldwyn...."

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(considers) Nah, I'll pass.

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I think she screamed herself to death.

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Who is your pick for FBI Director Mr. President? Top Man.

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Probably already populated with a lot of souls ready to torture him for eternity.

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Obviously, the person who wrote that Tweet had to know. And we can tell it isn't Dampnut who wrote it because it doesn't have shit all over it it's coherent and all correctly spelled, with no mention of covfefe.

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Chris Christie retained one Wray, King Kong retained the other. I still don't get the distinction.

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I'm guessing Fay Wray tried to escape when she got a look at "Prince" Kong?

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Can you imagine how bad the architecture would clash if they put a Trump tower in downtown Hell?

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I'm doing it. I'm going there.

"Whatever happened to Chris Wray?

That delicate, satin draped fraaaaame!"

I warned you. I went there.

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