I think "business meeting" covers it.

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It's sad to watch. my mother has taken to expressing concern that Obama or someone is going to take away my family's guns. Which is really disconcerting because she is aware that no one in my family should have access to firearms.

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I forgot about Jeff Bezos!--Thx for the info.

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Guild of Calamitous Intent.

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Journalists embedded with the Oligarchy. Is this war?

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League of Extraordinarily Rich Gentlemen.

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The NYT did not send a reporter as there was no guarantee that they would get anything they could use to slime HRC and Krugman would quit and take the majority of their remaining subscribers with him.

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Call me a cynic, but if one was concerned about the "Morlockization" of the US then one might use their wealth to establish organizations and funds for, say, promoting new small businesses or helping the self-employed with health care expenses, not UNDERMINING THE ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS.

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Miss Lindsay Graham.

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Robert Mercer, Co-chief executive of Renaissance Technologies, a hedge-fund management company.$11.3 million, 98% of it for Ted Cruz.

Guess who's NOT going to be raising the 25% tax rate on billionaire hedge fund managers? (Because he's "opposed to raising the taxes of hardworking Americans, blah blah bullshit," and his dumbass teabagger base will love him for it.)

Go down the list, and see where the tax-cut fuckery and climate denialism are being bought and paid for.

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It's easy to forget, because because Bezos changed very little from the Donald Graham days.

For instance, Fred Hiatt and Jackson Diehl are still running the opinion section, braying for more wars (and for cuts in services to the little people to pay for same).


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The Donald is going to stab Huckleberry J. Butchmeup and then die of a heroin overdose?~

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Why even show up? Looks like the NYT asked that question. (No doubt, Faux News and Murdoch's rags were there in force to take dictation.)

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The Kochs are the Morlocks.

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She has Fox Nooz shouting from her teevee approximately 15 hours a day? That's precisely how she does not know this. Try to get some NPR into her life.

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Wow. It seems that the Donald, beloved of the teatards, has made a gaffe. As you know, a "gaffe" is when a candidate blurts out the truth and upsets the narrative of the scum of the Village, which is why they have so many problems with handsome Joe.

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