Also, too, it's been my experience that color guard guns have been rendered permanently inoperable. Because it would be wildly irresponsible to issue functionial weaponry for use by a parade color guard.

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Meh, not really triggering unless its a thermonuclear device. TRY AGAIN MORAN!!!11!!!

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So we have a proven-to-be-shitty lawyer and gun-fucking racist idiot as a candidate. Here's where we find out just how stupid Kansas voters are.

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More fun sphincter facts: between the inner (involuntary) and the outer one is another marvel of biological engineering, a sensor that can reliably detect whether what's coming is solid or gaseous. What it cannot (and isn't that a neat counter argument to "intelligent design") do is tell if it's liquid...you can imagine the rest.

There used to be a young doctor touring with a comedy routine about the colon a few years ago, which might just be that rarest of sightings, genuine German humor.

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Look, I found an English version from a TED event.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

He's not a good guy, and that's not a gun. Kobach is a pretender.

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Iowa: “Hold my Mason Jar”

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I see his point. All the fRight-wingnut-shit-their-Bermuda-shorts real 'Murkans should have all of the replica machine guns they want.

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Except that time with the unarmed guy at the Waffle House in Tennessee.Oh, and that last school shooting where a teacher disarmed the gunman after tackling him.Also, I've seen bad guys with guns attack an unarmed James Bond dozens of times, and 007 always comes out alive and kills the bad guy with, say, a spray can and a lighter that he turns into a mini flamethrower.

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They elected Brownback. Twice. After he'd turned their economy into such an unmitigated shithole in his first four years that many Republicans elected officials wouldn't support him.The IQ of Kansas voters is 140.No, not individually; I mean if you add the IQ of every Republican in Kansas together it would total 140.

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"Mandrake, have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?"

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"I believe the Republicans have seen what they've believed all along, which is that this democracy stuff is bull, and that people don't want to be burdened by political affairs. That people would rather just be taken care of. The oligarchy doesn't need an educated public." ~ HST

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Right? Kinda the point of brandishing one, innit?

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Michael Dukakis cosplayer.

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You know what they say. The bigger the gun, the smaller the penis. And clearly Kris Kobach is feeling VERY inferior these days.

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