Half are already no-shows. "Let's get those numbers up, Congressmen!"

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Yeah, what about Bob Jones who is like everywhere? But his name isn't ethnic enough, so they'll let that one go.

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But would sharks go after Kris Kobach? Professional courtesy and all.

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In New Jersey, who might as well work because they aren't going to the fucking beach this Fourth of July.

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That'd be one-sixth of the world's lifespan.

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So much for 'come and take it.'

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They might suffocate in BP oil?

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It's only a record of which elections you vote in, of course, not how you voted. If Kobach were operating in good faith (which we have no reason to think he is), an accurate record of who voted in what elections could show whether Joe Blow voted in both Kansas and Missouri in 2010, for instance.

Of course, multiple studies of voting have found that real voter fraud is vanishingly rare, and Kobach is utterly dishonest (If you haven’t read this New York Times profile, you gotta), so heaven knows how he'll use the data.

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@Husband Of Mrs God - I'll tell you who. Wherever Kobach goes, there too is ALEC. Kansas recruited him from Arizona where he and ALEC were responsible for the infamous "papers please" law. that never thankfully saw the light of day.

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My copy of the Constitution must have been printed incorrectly. I don't see anywhere in mine where it says the President has power to unilaterally regulate the activities of state election officials. Never thought I would be saying this but...STATE FUCKING RIGHTS !!!

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Hey, did you hear the Census Bureau's budget has been cut in preparation for 2020? https://www.theguardian.com...

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of course it has. SCOTUS ruled against some gerrymandering, and the GTOP are running scared. if you can't count them, they can't redistrict, right?

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Mad respect, sir!

Coining "grifterweasel" and reminding us of Star Trek's most famous cheat, both in the same article!

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Please excuse the cheap Kojak reference.Looks like trump found his mad caped crusader on this issue.

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I've always enjoyed my belief that I'm to live a long, healthy life. The present excuse for an administration is making me rethink that. Maybe living long is not such a great idea.

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I heard there are about 1500 voters named Maria Martinez who are registered to vote in California. That lady must be very busy on election day.

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