"Look, I am 100% positive that long sideburns are coming back. I know it's been 62 years since they were cool but stick with me and you'll see - everyone will be wearing Kris Kobach Sideburns(TM)".

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Mar 9·edited Mar 10

Remember when Kansas Kris Kobach was found too dumb to lawyer and was required by a very real judge to take remedial lawyer classes.

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Style Guide indicates that he should be referred to as Kansas Kris Kobach.

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Shit. Sorry.

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It would be fun I suppose to ask if this guy means "the rights of the States and their residents to drink water from lead pipes." He's a lawyer and a massive "keep the brown people out" anti-immigration dick, so it wouldn't surprise me if he's defended the right of the lead industry to keep on making lots of money.

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I believe law bans new installations of lead pipe. What Presiden Biden wants to do is dig up all the lead pipe service lines that were installed decades ago and replace them with something lead free.

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Until recently, "lead free" plumbing fixtures could be 8% lead. Now it's 0.25%, which is a lot better.

Lead has been removed from a ton of stuff that didn't need it and could be reformulated. Electrical tape? Now Pb-free.

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Kansas law requires the use of "non-toxic" (i.e. non-lead) shot in shotgun shells when hunting migratory birds. Kobach would see that law enforced while making sure that Kansas children get their daily ration of lead in their water and cinnamon.

I think that lead can be ingested when it is inserted in the rectum and/or large intestine. Maybe we should start with the Kansas Attorney General to get a definitive answer.

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What's the Matter with Kansas?

Lead poisoning, apparently

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OH NOS! It will cost Billions to stop...giving children brain damage.



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Ta, Robyn. Krazy Kris Kobach is welcome to all the lead he can swallow, because he's plumb nuts.

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There is another source of lead he is allowed to eat that I can't stay here because 'rules'

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"Kris Kobach gets all the delicious, brain damage-inducing lead he can shove in his face."

I feel like he's had more than enough already

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Anymore and he may qualify as fishing tackle!

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I'm thinking boat anchor.

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Today's Republicans are the same people who proclaimed that the automobile would never replace the horse and that if God intended for man to fly, He would have given him wings Just like their predecessors , they will eventually be tossed into dust bin of history

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Jesus what an insincere ass. Biden is making money available to states for the removal of lead pipes, and asshole is saying it's an unfunded mandate. You can't get any more dishonest and blatant than that. Are Republican constituents really that dumb??

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Why do you think they want lead to remain in the drinking water?

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Evidently the ingestion of lead creates more Republicans.

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They live for hate and lies.

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The logical end result of St. Ronnie Raygun constantly babbling on about "gummint bad!!!"- an entire party that considers anything besides the defense budget a waste of money

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Kobach is SUCH a dweeb. I always thought he'd just eaten way too much lead-based paint -- maybe he's afraid of withdrawal symptoms so he's protecting his supplier.

When he was running for KS gov a few years ago, he drove around campaigning in this ridiculous white and red Jeep plastered with campaign stickers with a big gun mounted in the back... which turned out to be a complete fake. (Not the jeep -- pretty sure it was a real vehicle -- but the gun was a fake, and Kobach was too. Still is.) Spoiler alert: he lost. BIG time lol.

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Eaten? He smoked it.

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Just because we did something 100 Years ago doesn't mean it remains the best way to go Clinging to the past out of some nostalgic fervor is simply ridiculous.

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Kris who?

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Lead. MAGAt breakfast of champion nazis.

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Why not? Their exulted leader has plenty of lead in his ass

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

I have often said in response to current political derangement "putting lead in the gasoline was a terrible idea". It is only half (or less) in jest; I was once told of a study of violent crime rates from the mid twentieth century into this century that showed explanatory level correlation of rising and falling rates with exposure to lead from gasoline exhaust and consistent correlation with *no other variables* - not drugs, not single parents, not poverty rates, not employment rates, nothing. Kobach is a case in point that putting lead in the gasoline was a terrible idea.

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80 years ago, adding lead was the only way to reduce "knock" or premature detonation of gasoline fumes in the cylinder. We didn't know any better then

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

Only in the same way we didn't know any better that cigarettes cause cancer, and that fossil fuel use would result in global warming, and that unregulated financial institutions would take on risks that could destroy the economy.

Edit: That is, when alarms were raised, there were some people who were obscenely compensated to not know any better, and to make damn sure that as few people as possible would know any better.

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History is an unfair and often cruel mistress.

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I was on a 20-year personal journey on this whole lead thing. I had a lead main water pipe at home, I did a little professional water testing, and for a long time there was never lead in the water. It was assumed not to be a problem. I had mine tested, and lead was too low to measure. Then they changed the water chemistry to get rid of chlorine in the water supply (yes bleach) as a disinfectant and replaced it with something else. That changed the water so suddenly lead started dissolving into the drinking water an causing a major problem. They found additives to control this, and they have been using them for 15+ years, but from time to time they are insufficient and lead gets in the water again. So governments made the decision to replace lead pipes. I was against it at first in the early days because it was probably a waste of money and lead doesn't rust so it lasts indefinitely. But over time I saw how hard it was to control the water chemistry adequately and I sure don't want us to go back to chlorine. So now I support getting the lead out. There are multiple ways to do that. I finally had my lead water main removed last year with a free financing program from the city. I just think lead is too unpredictable and obsolete as a conveyance for tap water. By the way the other option was filtration. For the cost of replacing a lead pipe, you could buy filters for the next 100 years. But filters require maintenance and careful use, and I thought the time had come to just get rid of the lead. I still use a great filter, but I don't have to rely on that for the lead. I also replaced all my house pipes using lead-free solder.

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