Thank God it was baseball. Soccer is so... European.

A friend was the assistant athletic director for a upper middle class suburb. The director left for another job, and, instead of promoting her, they brought in another guy who knew nothing about the area. The first thing he did was dig up all the soccer fields and replace them with baseball diamonds. This is one of those suburbs that originated the term "soccer mom". The outrage was palpable.

tl;dr They fired the new guy and gave the job to the woman like they should have in the first place.

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Oh. That.

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My prom had dinner and a movie at a local mall (we went in buses), then the dance back at the school. When we got back to the school for the dance part, there were all these parents with cameras forming a lane from the bus to the school entrance we all had to travel.

Actually rather creepy, even to this day.

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If I had the mad internetz skillz, I'd change that slogan to read "South Dakota: Pay to Play".

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I was in Methuen, Mass in 1976 at a bicentennial ceremony attended by the current Lord Methuen from the UK. His disdain for us rugged individualists was a bit difficult for him to conceal.

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Hey, kids! Let's all pretend we could have high-speed rail in this country!

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A penis?

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You can spread it around a goodly number of white people without raising too much of a ruckus on the right.

Oh, by other people, you mean...

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And, like all the rest of their ilk, Kristi's got 'em. Got them crazy eyes.

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Some say that TFG is this micromanaging maniac who keeps everything close to the vest because he doesn't fully trust anyone. Others say he's an addled old man who is fed bullshit by the kids, who actually run the company.

I so want option #1 to be it. It may be vicarious, but I want to savor the realizations of Jr., Ivanka, and Eric as Letitia James methodically lays out her case, and they realize what a house of cards it is with nothing for them except the legal liability.

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You ever see the town a lot of them work in? That DC place? I sure as hell wouldn't walk around there at night.

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If they would all just go away. Every plan the right comes up with to make that happen is inevitably messy.

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Nah, that's Kaa. Kaa sings "Trust In Me" and does a hypnotism thing.

Siouxsie & the Banshees did a hot sexy cover.


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You know that talking grasshopper that follows you around everywhere and acts as your conscience? Step 1: Step on that.

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The AA baseball team in my town has a nautically-themed name and mascot and, if you're a big deal in town, you can be designated a Commodore.

That was always my dream, but I don't have the moves.

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I might live in Australia, but I banged a girl from Watertown. Kinda nuts, but 10/10 would do again.

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