Section 9 *was* "Public security"https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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I predict that all predictions are more or less useless, because I'm a Buddhist (albeit a shitty one).

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This is the job. Don't wait for it to happen. Don't even want it to happen. Just watch what does happen.

-Sean Connery as Jim Malone, The Untouchables.

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Breathe, and vote, and gotv.

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Imagine the ad! "Kroger! Not necessarily racist, but terrified of losing racists' business!"

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Yes, they can. But will they? How many times in the past four years alone have we reassured ourselves, "Oh, that could never happen here! Not in America!" only to be left with a steaming pile of shit on a plate?

Did pre-Axis Germany and Italy not have "safeguards" against fascist takeover?

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and remember: all trumpkins are Nazis. "I wanted a businessman" is an absolute lie. Even the ones who are turning against Trump now will immediately pledge allegiance to the next Nazi who promises them a tax cut and dead nonwhites. Be ready to do what must be done.

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Oh, be ready, but don't let them dominate the narrative just by saying shit that they cannot and will not do. They're feeding off the power of the fear they're sowing. Fuck that. Try it, bitch, if you think you can. Be ready to reap what you sow. And we all know they just don't have that in them.

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Some years ago, the fascist ruler at my job told us we had to wear name badges, something we never had before, and many objected to. After dealing with the union, she relented somewht, and allowed us to wear badges that only mentioned our job titles. Most people chose that, as did I.

I added a little 'addendum' which I attached to the bottom of the badge, which said...

''If They Give You Ruled Paper Write The Other Way''

This is a quote from Juan Ramón Jiménez, and is the epigraph that precedes Ray Bradbury's ''Fahrenheit 451'' in the book. It's a simple statement...''telling people to act independently and rebel against common social conventions that are restricting, popular, and oppressive in some way, shape, or form''*

The boss never knew what it meant.

*quote from Gretchen Mussey.

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Correction: Latest incarnation was an abomination with Scarlett Johannson.

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I mean, the original manga was at least 10% outright porno so...

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Well, that's true, but let's face it, an American adaptation should never been made cause the original is very Japanese, but also if they had to do it they could've used a Japanese actor as Kusanagi.It also pissed me off that Takeshi Kitano would be involved. By the way, I never saw it, and never will.

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Funny, I thought of that when I saw the name, but because I'll never have anything to do with revolvers, as in guns. But also, there was a discussion here just the other day which mentioned the album and other Beatles albums.

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But they let their associates wear Trump masks. Fuck Kroger.

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an American adaptation should never been made cause the original is very Japanese

I'm never going to buy that argument about any media from anywhere. First off, I'm never going to agree agree with you on a definition of "very japanese" (because, honestly, I don't even think it's possible for you to be clear with yourself on what that means, so to speak). Even if we did come to terms, "Remains of the Day" and "Edge of Tomorrow" were at least as "Japanese" as GitS. Furthermore, Doctor Zhivago, Anna Karenina, and War and Peace are super Russian, but I have few problems with any of the adaptations.

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And - to be scrupulously honest - I'm not at all ignorant of Hollywood's history of whitewashing, but if there's any country that could stand to broaden its racial horizons, so to speak, it's Japan. The Resident Evil series is actually, literally racist against white people (except where it detours into Africa for some good old-fashioned mighty whitey anti-Black racism).

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