The Ku Klux Klan, LLC.
This is prime Wonkette meat.
Oy, gestalt!
Fucking Peoples Front of Judea!
Imagine the plight of the bedwetter Klansman, schvitzing under his rubber sheets.
Yah, vey ist mir.
Burning Korans to incite violence is still OK by them, tho.
Ouch! That has got to sting.
This is a head fake. The Klan doesn't want its members undermining the TPers by showing up at their stupid "rallies." What's next, the Grand Dragon decries birthers?
This is prime Wonkette meat.
Oy, gestalt!
Fucking Peoples Front of Judea!
Imagine the plight of the bedwetter Klansman, schvitzing under his rubber sheets.
Yah, vey ist mir.
Burning Korans to incite violence is still OK by them, tho.
Ouch! That has got to sting.
This is a head fake. The Klan doesn't want its members undermining the TPers by showing up at their stupid "rallies." What's next, the Grand Dragon decries birthers?