In honor of Larry:https://imgs.xkcd.com/comic...

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They ALL know he’s going to burn...with VOTES!

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Oh Jesus. My nightmare is, one day I meet Larry (well, that's a nightmare right there), and he says genially, I can see you're going to live a long, pain-free, and happy life.

Larry is one of Father C. John McCloskey's converts (McCloskey is the Opus Dei priest and former Wall-Streeter--now sunk in dementia--- who brought the light of the Faith not only to Larry here, but to Laura Ingraham, Judge Bork, the late Robert Novak, Sam Brownback, and Newt Gingrich, among others).

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Kudlow looks like an even sadder Mitch McConnell.

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How could anyone listen to that trump stooge and get excited. You can take what that asshole and his buddy Dohtard knows and multiply it by 100 and subtract the remaining numbers and there you have it nada. He dont know shit except that der fuhrer is good.

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KUDLOW: And I want to say, Jake, I think there's a very good chance you are going to get the V-shaped recovery.



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[frantically searches pornhub for "V-shaped recovery" . . .]

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If you turn a V upside down it's sort of shaped like a pear.

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I’m not a professional money manager, nor an economist. Trump is what’s called a ‘bad investment’. This is evidenced by how everything he touches turns to shit. His business records... the ones we actually do get to see, all reflect exactly this. His natural talent for ruining finances (and democracies) is why he’s such a good front for money laundering.

I don’t know if “solid, solid year” is a formal term in economics, but, based on observations in the daily news, I can say that if the asshats who gamble with our tax dollars are any indication of the ethical standards that govern Wall Street investors, then we will be in a new state of recession by 2021. They will have to invent another term, like ‘double-recession’ or no-bottom recession’. Every time Trump injected himself into international politics, we took a dive. Every time he claimed a win, we took a hit. The market gambled based on the potential fallouts and rallied in desperation in the reprieves. I wonder just how much of our country will be owned by foreign powers and oligarchs by 2021, once we are totally dried up and desperate to sell. How cheap will labor be by that point?

Tapper: “Shouldn’t we be worried about the possibility of a shadow government raiding our tax dollar coffers and leaving us in further financial ruin???”

Kudlow: “NUMBERS! Arbitrary, meaningless numbers!!!”

Tapper: “We were lied to and now we want answers.”

Kudlow: “I said NUMBERS!!! Ha!!!”

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Kinda wish she would sing about me. But that would be a bit vain.

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I'd probably believe them if my portfolio didn't take a huge nose dive every time one of them opened up their big mouths.

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Doesn't that make you go blind?

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The lawn behind my condo is green.

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Rat terriers are great at acting.

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And I am entirely convinced we will see the actual numbers on this.

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kudlow also said that we've conquered the virus. Even tho states that have reopened having spiking rates.

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