Her Momma dresses her funny.

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It's writing like this that make us wistfully look back on the disqus chef-kiss gifs.

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She sucks. β€œI can go on any board I want”? Talk about self-importance. I smell more than a little panic in that declaration. β€œI won’t be irrelevant! People will still pay me lots of money for doing nothing more than being Kyrsten Sinema! I know something about everything!!!”

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"I can be a college president."

Delusion U

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"see! it's non-partisan! we even have far-left radical communist Kyrsten Sinema as President!"


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UMaine has made it pretty obvious that college president isn't a very important job by letting its president also be VP of Research.

It's like Elon Musk being CEO of 4 companies at the same time. All it does is make it obvious that top management isn't very important.

So go ahead Sinema, be president at some sketchy for-profit college.

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She gives a whole new meaning to the word "hubris"....Jesus Christ!!! And, to think, I was smitten by her back in 2019 (weren't we all, though?) ...gag me with a spoon!!!

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I was never even slightly smitten, shitten, perhaps.

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When the choice at the time was Sinema or the Repub Martha McSally, I was. Sinema was also previously active in the Green Party before she became a Democrat. And she had a background in Social Work. There were ads attacking her for being against the Iraq War and protesting in a pink tutu. So, to me, this seemed like a person who was a little zany, but compassionate and capable of seeing the bigger picture.

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Corporations put retired or defeated politicians on their boards because of contacts they continue to have with people still in Congress. To get a heads up on pending legislation, who to send bribes to in the form of campaign contributions, and even pushing old associates for help in passing bills the corporation likes. A typical politician knows nothing about an investment bank or a tech firm operations. They are there as an inside person in an exclusive club. but I doubt Sinema will have too many avenues of communication with member of congress in either party. And I see no reason why any university would think she was capable of handling the administrative functions of a university, which also requires not pissing off a lot of parents, students, and donors.

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"So it’s not a surprise, I guess, that Romney reveals β€” perhaps unintentionally? β€” in his new biography, Romney: A Reckoning (Wonkette cut link), that Sinema is a smug self-important creep. (That’s also not much of a β€œrevelation.”)"

First off, everybody knew Sinema is a flaming narcissist. Secondly, it's nice that Wonkette would get a cut if I were to buy Mitt Romney's book through that link, but I wouldn't consciously do anything that would make Mitt Romney a ha'penny if I was on fire and that was the only way to put myself out.

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What if I told you it would save a kitten's life?

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I'd forcibly take the kitten from you and raise it properly, OF COURSE...Geez...

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"off with their heads!"

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In order to get on boards and become a College President, you name has to have some value. When she leaves the Senate, she will have nothing to offer. No Dem will take her call nor will any Republican. She betrayed the Dems the Republicans don't like her. She has nothing to offer.

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UNM shows the first sentence to be untrue.

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UMaine's president has a second job, which just makes it clear that neither job is all that important.

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I can see her on the board at Arizona State University, where she is already a professor. They're one of the more "corporate friendly" state educational institutions.

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"I stopped the Democrats from doing anything" is a pretty good value proposition.

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she'll probly pivot hard right to get on the fox news gravy train.

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She'll probably join ToiletPaper USA, and then her and shrunk-face Charlie can talk about how "creepy" and "Satanic" Halloween is every year, as guests on some D-rated Newsmax show.

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Is there an opening for a new "even the Democrats" Democrat?

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She is not right wing enough to get wingnut welfare. I can not wait to chortle about how she discovers how useless she is a human to her owners.

She is a corrupt incompetent weasel so will not get anything from the Dems.

She will go to the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics.

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isn't she gone yet? i can't wait for her to rise to complete obscurity (she's already irrelevant)

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Yeah well I think it's creepy that a grown ass woman, with a weirdly spelled first and last name who dresses like an anime character, runs around calling a 70-year-old dipshit in the Senate by the title "coach" when she never played the sport and was never on his team. Fuck her and fuck Ted Cruz

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i wouldn't fuck her with ted cruz's dick.

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Okay I have thoughts. So by saying that she thinks that adults wearing costumes are creepy does that mean that she has a problem with theater? It would seem so. Also, too, I have seen dozens of pictures of this self-absorbed, walking piece of corruption, but not a single one actually looks like the other. I simply cannot trust a person who's persona appears to morph in every single picture that has ever been taken of her. And finally, she is a disgusting, self-promoting, self-delusional, liar

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Does Sinema's wardrobe come from Target or JC Penny? Is she a paid model for their fashions?

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Forever 21 and high society thrift stores.

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Amusing opinion coming from someone whose own everyday wardrobe could, on any given day, qualify as a Hallowe'en costume.

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