Sinema is the Jill Stein of…Jill Steins.

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She’ll probably be ok because if there’s one thing rich fuckwads are known for its taking care of people long after they are of any use to said fuckwads.

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. So perhaps what I’m most proud of is that I’m a lifelong learner.”

Seems like what she's mostly learned in the past few years is how much she can earn selling her vote to the highest bidder.

"I’m not only a senator,” she tells me. “I’m also lots of other things.”

She's like a Meredith Brooks song.

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She's gotten rich, so her system works for her.

It only required fucking over the country but, so what?

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She wasn't an idealistic young activist. She was a green party fucker

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Sorry if Sinema sounds aloof, but she was checking her bank accounts during it

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Unless the rich fuckwads set her up for life, she's not even a lifelong earner.

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"... she’s proud that she outgrew the activism of her youth. It was, in her own assessment, “a spectacular failure.... You can make a poster and stand out on the street, but at the end of the day all you have is a sunburn. You didn’t move the needle. You didn’t make a difference … I set about real quick saying, ‘This doesn’t work.’”

Bullshit. Just because you didn't directly affect public opinion polls doesn't mean that you didn't make a difference.

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Fuck her. Unless the voters of Arizona completely lose their minds, she hasn’t a chance in hell of getting back in. Let her become forgotten, since other people not thinking about her is clearly her special kind of Bad Place. It’s no less than what she deserves.

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She's not dumb. She knows what she wants and she got it. It seems being a Senator was not a goal but simply a means to an end.

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This whole article says "I wasn't getting rich with my activism."

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Damn, her people could have chosen a much more agreeable interviewer. Was Habes busy?

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""I’m not only a senator,” she tells me. “I’m also lots of other things.”

My doctor is a lot of things too, but I fon't ecpect her to commit malpractice when she's not at work.

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Curseden, you think legislation ended the Vietnam war?

Fuck you

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Maybe she is a genius in some things. Maybe she can recite all of the works of Shakespeare from memory or is really good at calculus. But as a politician she is a fucking moron.

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She claims John Lewis is her hero. Then bashes the most momentous part of his life. He was beaten and almost killed. She just writes all that off as silly and useless. She is the White moderate Dr King warned us about. But what would he know he was just an activist.

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