and the money a one term senator she knows it $$$$$

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I never forgave Bernie he helped get us Trump with his outsized ego. Bernie never accomplished anything but noise

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I loved that his followers in 2016 stanned him for not being an "establishment" politician. Then when he evennnnntually, lukewarmly endorsed Clinton, so many of them responded with, "Well, he just has to say that. It's what's expected to 'unify' the party."

Oh, you mean just like any other "establishment" politician would do?

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I once had to have a Manchenema before a delicate medical procedure.

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Funny how 4 decades in the us senate equals outsider, non establishment candidate. rofl

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The "Schumer" in this cartoon creepily resembles L. Ron Hubbard.

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Is Kyrsten Sinema qweer?

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He liked Republicans when they were fighting wars for Israel. He stopped liking them when they went full Nazi.

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She was bisexual and an atheist only so long as it helped her. She's whatever she needs to be for that moment in time. Currently that's loveslave to the finance sector.

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Heaven forfend someone tried for more than the crumbs the centrists were willing to part with.

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The establishment hates him, as do you. That qualifies.

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30 years + 1.5 more for the later day Manchin?

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Mr. Amanda Palmer's new show is out tonight!!!

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Neither would I!!

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Just want to take this opportunity, as an often critic of Democratic leadership, to say that this bill is an unmitigated success and a good thing. Kudos and congratulations to Schumer on this. I've read speculation that the carried interest tax loophole was (maybe) added specifically so that Sinema would nix it. Not sure if that is the case, but if it is, then Schumer, I think, deserves even more credit for his leadership. The carried interest loophole is unjustifiably awful, but what was gained with this bill, both politically and substantively, is far more important than dying on that hill for this bill.

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I live in Roanoke. People here are united against the pipeline.

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