Any working man who toils weekly for a paycheck and then voted for a republican deserves all the misery the GOP can muster for the average american worker. AND misery it is. Hard times is all you ever get in a republican regime. If you believe in a Orange blue eyed Jesus and that Dotard Trump is that new Jesus you are fuked in the skull stooopid. No help for you and sorry about your luck.

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Thanks for the link. I read a lot of NYmag articles in that vein. I respect that point of view and yours, but don't agree 100% with the reasoning or takeaways from the insights on.

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Disagree. Hold her feet to the fire. It's 5 years until she has to run again. Push her hard to the left.

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I like it, Sinema, no offense meant. You do rock it!

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There was a lot of fun to be had when the photos and video came out with Mike Pence administering her oath of office. I'd say she's definitely a wonkette.

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Or you could move to Arizona and single-handedly go through every precinct Walmart to Walmart to change Arizona's voting patterns.

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Note that Trump's approval is up to 43% today. I dont think this has anything to do with Trump being good. I think it has everything to do with people looking at what we have to offer, and saying "no thanks, I'll stick with the devil I know." I personally support some far left ideas, but I dont think this election is the one we should be dragging them out in. For example, I'd like to take ALL the guns, but if I was running for office I'd be very careful to say "I support background checks," and then I'd shut up.

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Here we go again.....


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There's a big difference between pressure, (especially if it's behind closed doors), and public censure.Be careful not to boil down and equate pressure with censure.

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She's one, tough, lady!!

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Lead?!Nope.They turn off the actual voters.

Why do you think Biden is leading in the polls?

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LOL!"Non-progressives!" (Are those liberals that don't pass the purity test?)

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Maybe this is actually the Progressive Caucus's way of supporting her! Sinema's aides probably called them up like, "hey could you complain loudly that our girl isn't enough of a super-lefty commie anarchist snowflake?"

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introducing Dan O'Neal..........leader of the Arizona People's Front Crack Suicide Squad

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Oh, I don't mind if they sell canned clams.

But someone who serves canned clams? That monster!

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Here's a better question, how big is the progressive wing? If they are 10% of the electorate, that 5+% can go fuck right off as 100% irrelevant. And my thinking is there isn't a huge, influential wing of progressives in Arizona.

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