Well, there's shelter and then there's shelter. I don't know what was being offered in Minneapolis, but what LA intends to offer sounds a lot nicer than what usually gets offered to the homeless.

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For everyone who says things like "Oh it's more complicated than that, these people are beyond help, why they refuse shelter even when it's offered":

I've volunteered in one of those shelters, and while it was staffed by great people, we're talking about pads, like gym pads, on the floor. A hundred or more of them, where people are expected to sleep, literally inches apart. It was better than nothing and that's all it was. (And there were those, as referenced above, who don't even think it's that.)

What we are talking about here is housing where human beings could actually live, with the requisite privacy and security. It's nothing like the usual "shelter" that is all that gets offered to the homeless. This is a different dimension and an important step forward.

Oh, and to every politician who panders for votes by fearmongering about the homeless and promising police sweeps: I wish there were a hell, just so you could burn in it.

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In this country it's not the birthrate, it's immigration. I don't think we have a high birthrate, but we do have people coming in every day, which is fine. And that's because too many other countries are shitholes, either because of war or prejudice or bad economies.

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No. Do not destroy farmland. You like to eat, don't you?

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Population growth is a global issue that most governments of the world ignore. Of course after it becomes a real problem no one will remember not doing anything.

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We venerate the wealthy and demean the homeless and doing something about one will also help fix the other. The wealthy have far more than enough and need to give more back in taxes.

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Maybe you need to bring back the old-timey machine politicans. I watched the 1958 Spencer Tracy film "The Last Hurrah" last night... in which a big part of the reason the evil big-money guys (John Carradine and Basil Rathbone) were so opposed to Tracy was his arm twisting to get more public housing built.

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It is wonderful to see that somebodies in government have finally realized that it's impossible to deal with the problems that create homelessness when the people you're trying to help are living on the streets.

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What about Hunter's laptop?

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I don’t think enough people could fit under it.

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Love GodThen our first duty is to our neighbors. Jesus walks among us.

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Tax the wealth; buy public good.good jobs are public good.Government should hire when there is unemployment; Bezos can pay.

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< insert drum sting here >

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Golf is a good walk spoiled. -- Mark Twain

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Can't argue that.

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