Being disabled and in chronic pain that keeps me awake many nights, I've discovered that the one bonus is being able to do deep dives into subjects I'm interested in. At least my mind can stay strong if my body can't.

Best of luck with the chemo; I hope everything goes well for you.

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"Authority for requesting this information is based upon field interview procedures operational prior to January 1, 1975."

So what exactly does that mean? Those procedures were no longer authorized after 1/1/1975? Regardless, were those procedures valid then or now? Are they saying they've been lying to people about Federal law requiring SSNs for identification for 45+ years?

Despite everyone and their brother using SSNs as ID for everything, I seem to recall a disclaimer from the Feds saying it should not be used as ID except for tax and SS purposes.

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I understand what they think they're collection. What they are going to collect is too much raw data for them to be able to do anything with. They may be looking for ammunition, but they are still going to have to look at everything they collect at some point to be able to use it. They are going to overwhelm themselves with info from the start and not be able to do anything with it.

Our adversaries spend a lot of time and money trying to do just this to our intelligence agencies, overwhelm them with useless data. The LAPD is doing it to themselves.

I'm not a fan of them doing it at all. Which is why the only bright spot iss they won;t be able to do anything with it.

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Fuck the LAPD!

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Couldn’t you just block them?

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Cut off the Federal funding. No DEA dollars. No DHS funded urban warfare training. If the Feds want to have hired help, let them do it without using our police.

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They are pawns of DEA and DHS.That 'national police force' the gun nuts used to lay awake worrying about.

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They do. Your city and county government employee acceptable (internet) use policies were almost certainly created in response to cops sitting in a squad room using government computers for non-government purposes. This way, they are at least doing something tangentially job related.

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If I find them lurking on The American Society of Tribology message board I will be sending a strongly worded email to the moderator

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Testing 1...2...3...


... and the dot matrix printer in Room 719 prints another line.

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Feed me.I'm hungry https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I'm sure all the people who were outraged that the feds were looking through social media to catch Jan. 6 rioters will be just apoplectic over this.

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People don't get vague and then give incorrect information? "Oh, hmm. I'm not sure I know that off hand. *says 8 random numbers*. Yeah, I think that's it. I'm not on social media, though, at all. Because I'm a Mormon."

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I will stand guard on Automaticwashers.org

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Because they can lie to you, but you can't lie to them. I forget where, but one state made a ruling (law?) that the police can't lie to minors.

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