Capitalism is good to a point. After that, it's rampant exploitation.

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Italy's always been a mess, but Hungary and Germany may rue the day.

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Too many hands in the pot.

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The Ukrainians wish they could.

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One of two unionizing Starbucks in the Cleveland area is just down the road from where I work. I've never cared for their coffee much, but I seem to recall they make a decent chai latte. I'll have to stop in and grab one at some point, just to cheer them on.

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Any economic theory taken to extremes will fail.

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Won't someone think of the poor shareholders.

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Capitalism never reflects well on capitalism. It is an inherently flawed system.

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it's good when properly regulated. otherwise it's anathema to a functional society.

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it's not just the executive pay, it's the stock buybacks, acquisitions of competitors, etc. etc. the people who actually make them their money always come last.

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I thought the Starbucks inside the Starbucks, but that's just me.

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It wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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You can hate the corporation, despise their coffee, but don't take it out on the workers. Always tip at least a dollar.

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