A recount is all but certain, yet an easy re-election for Wisconsin state supreme court justice Supreme Court Justice David Prosser turned into a victory for the liberals' choice, JoAnne Kloppenburg.
But her endorsement helped Christine O'Donnell. And by "helped O'Donnell" I mean "elicited from the woodwork men who could report on the status of her pubic hair". That's power!
204 votes out of 1.5 million isn't very much. I come from Minnesota the land of 10,000 recounts and I remember Franken was behind until the recount. Let's hope this outcome doesn't change.
Downfister troll changed his name again. It's pitiful yet creepy that he changes his name and then finds all these people to follow AGAIN on top of constantly downfisting. What a miserable existence. Troll. It's spring. It's a beautiful day where I am. Put on some shoes and a shirt and go for a walk and eat a decent meal and call a friend.
My Teabagger attorney brother in law just called and told my gorgeous wife that it was my prick friends in the International Association of Firefighters that fucked Wisconsin. My lovely wife responded "Bob, you know my husband served his community for 31 years as a firefighter and paid into his own pension that saved the City millions. Your just pissed because you're tea bag broke. Leave us alone because we're celebrating by writing a check to the Wisconsin Democrats to help in the recall. What are you going to do about that dipshit?"
I suspect I won't be getting a Christmas card from Bob but the family should enjoy a spirited discussion over smoke turkey at Christmas about collective bargaining, class warfare, and democrats. My gorgeous wife thinks Bob will blow his cardiac gasket and will make me perform CPR.
This vote is a small victory for the working class in WI. I hope the repercussions are heard in every state.
has anyone done the numbers on how much mr. teatard &quot;cut all spending from our impoverished state because the budget is in dire crisis&quot; walker has <i>cost</i> the state with all these shenanigans?
i mean between the stable like conditions in the capital and security for all the protests and the delay in the legislative session b/c dems were @ a rockford water park and now the recall costs, dude could probably have hired an army of nepotism DUIs.
Most people won&#039;t get off the sofa to vote. And if they do go they want a close parking space. So ya gotta admire someone so motivated to vote that he or she will commit a felony to do so.
For the past couple months, I&#039;ve listened to Repubicans brag about how the voters in November sent a clear message to cut spending; about how they had no choice but to do what the people want. Now, the people have spoken again. Are you listening, Repubicans?
Note that while the 2010 midterm elections were about Americans rising up against Obama, this is all about Big Labor somehow buying the election against the voter&#039;s wills.
But her endorsement helped Christine O&#039;Donnell. And by &quot;helped O&#039;Donnell&quot; I mean &quot;elicited from the woodwork men who could report on the status of her pubic hair&quot;. That&#039;s power!
204 votes out of 1.5 million isn&#039;t very much. I come from Minnesota the land of 10,000 recounts and I remember Franken was behind until the recount. Let&#039;s hope this outcome doesn&#039;t change.
Those mustaches...Dirty Sanchez?
Downfister troll changed his name again. It&#039;s pitiful yet creepy that he changes his name and then finds all these people to follow AGAIN on top of constantly downfisting. What a miserable existence. Troll. It&#039;s spring. It&#039;s a beautiful day where I am. Put on some shoes and a shirt and go for a walk and eat a decent meal and call a friend.
Add the rapid aging of Bachmann and the complete absence of Snowbilly, and you have a GREAT hump day. The pendulum is swinging back, and so are we!
Just a trick of perspective, all Kocx are teeny.
&quot;How&#039;d you know he was cheating?&quot; &quot;Because I was cheating, and he STILL beat me!&quot;
My Teabagger attorney brother in law just called and told my gorgeous wife that it was my prick friends in the International Association of Firefighters that fucked Wisconsin. My lovely wife responded &quot;Bob, you know my husband served his community for 31 years as a firefighter and paid into his own pension that saved the City millions. Your just pissed because you&#039;re tea bag broke. Leave us alone because we&#039;re celebrating by writing a check to the Wisconsin Democrats to help in the recall. What are you going to do about that dipshit?&quot;
I suspect I won&#039;t be getting a Christmas card from Bob but the family should enjoy a spirited discussion over smoke turkey at Christmas about collective bargaining, class warfare, and democrats. My gorgeous wife thinks Bob will blow his cardiac gasket and will make me perform CPR.
This vote is a small victory for the working class in WI. I hope the repercussions are heard in every state.
has anyone done the numbers on how much mr. teatard &quot;cut all spending from our impoverished state because the budget is in dire crisis&quot; walker has <i>cost</i> the state with all these shenanigans?
i mean between the stable like conditions in the capital and security for all the protests and the delay in the legislative session b/c dems were @ a rockford water park and now the recall costs, dude could probably have hired an army of nepotism DUIs.
oh and ROCK ON wisconsin.
Lindsey Graham?
Sarah Palin&trade; is never far from my thoughts.
Most people won&#039;t get off the sofa to vote. And if they do go they want a close parking space. So ya gotta admire someone so motivated to vote that he or she will commit a felony to do so.
For the past couple months, I&#039;ve listened to Repubicans brag about how the voters in November sent a clear message to cut spending; about how they had no choice but to do what the people want. Now, the people have spoken again. Are you listening, Repubicans?
Although it looks bad for Walker, let us remember that the true victim is Sarah Palin.
Note that while the 2010 midterm elections were about Americans rising up against Obama, this is all about Big Labor somehow buying the election against the voter&#039;s wills.
Erections have consequences, Scott.