For San Diego's Karen Grube, watching the Rose Parade on New Year's Day "used to be a family thing," but "it no longer is," and it's because of the gays. That's right--there are going to be gays in the 2014 Rose Parade, an annual pageant of crazy costumes, confetti, glitter, dancing, and ostentatious vehicles.
Rodgers <i>pere</i> is pretty well known to be fairly right-wing, but he&#039;s been virtually silent during Aaron&#039;s professional career (a smart move for the parent of a high-profile athlete). This quote seems a little out-of-place to me.
Also, I know nothing about AR12 personally, but calling Chico &quot;rural&quot; is a bit of a stretch. <b>I</b> live in rural California.
So sayeth &quot;<a href="http:\/\/\/2013\/12\/30\/rose-parades-homosexual-wedding-float-corrupts-children-seven-lessons-for-christians\/" target="_blank">Americans for Truth about Homosexuality</a>&quot;, which is actually a thing.
I take it Karen Grube has never once considered the fact that Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper host the event significant.
New overlords = old overlords ----- P. Townsend
Rusty? Is that you....?
Look away, Karen. No one is making you watch the naughty floats.
Mr. LaBarbera - faithful Christian, footsie player or both? We will no doubt know before long.
*that site is run by a really fucked up bunch of people.
Special guest appearance by the Alabama Prancing Elites.
Not to mention going deep into the end zone.
Rodgers <i>pere</i> is pretty well known to be fairly right-wing, but he&#039;s been virtually silent during Aaron&#039;s professional career (a smart move for the parent of a high-profile athlete). This quote seems a little out-of-place to me.
Also, I know nothing about AR12 personally, but calling Chico &quot;rural&quot; is a bit of a stretch. <b>I</b> live in rural California.
Edit: Actually, I follow the practice of rooting for the conference (or division, or whatever) champ, so: Go Green!
Despite the terrible pain in the ass you&#039;ve been to the Badgers over the last few years.
&quot;I&#039;m on a float. I&#039;m on a motherfuckin&#039; float...&quot;
It was the tete du fromage, wasn&#039;t it?
Ducks and chickens, mostly. Right?
&quot;Rose Parade&rsquo;s Homosexual &lsquo;Wedding&rsquo; Float Corrupts Children&quot;
So sayeth &quot;<a href="http:\/\/\/2013\/12\/30\/rose-parades-homosexual-wedding-float-corrupts-children-seven-lessons-for-christians\/" target="_blank">Americans for Truth about Homosexuality</a>&quot;, which is actually a thing.
Turns out it&#039;s actually a chapeau de beurre. Tr&egrave;s bizarre.
Well, I for one welcome our new throat-cramming overlords.
So... when it rains on her parade, it&#039;s raining men?