^^^^THIS^^^^Yes, patriarchy and control is what's about.

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Unless he wet-dreams nekkid....eeeewwwwww!

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Hey, I have a couple of their paintings!

Oh wait, that's the other Theban Band. Never mind. /litella

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Greeks? On my china? How bizarre!

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Freedom of religion applies to the individual. If your religious beliefs dictate that contraceptives cannot be used, then you can't use them. Freedom of religion doesn't mean that you can force others to follow your religious beliefs. Selling contraceptives to the public is not a religious act, it is an act of Commerce, and it has been clearly established that the federal government has authority over commerce.

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Half of all lawyers graduated in the bottom half of their classes.

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One of the joys of absentee voting. When I get my ballot, I sit down with the county Democratic website up so I can make sure all those judicial races that aren't allowed to include party affiliation are actually Democrats.

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We had a Republican guy running for judge with the same last name as a prominent Democratic family active in politics. When he decided to run, he grew a beard, and I'm sure he did that to make people think he was a Democrat, because Republicans over a certain age, except for Grove Norquist, are always clean shaven.

He won and immediately shaved off the beard.

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I guess you could pull off a student club for law students that requires a no extramarital sex pledge because they don't have time to do anything but study. Can you imagine trying to pull that off with an undergraduate club?

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I thought Benny Hill had passed away.

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From the Oatmeal?

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"Religious freedom": "pledging to oppose gay rights, extramarital sex and a woman’s right to choose"

Yep, a fundie under every bed inspecting other people's sex lives is just what I imagine "feeedom" looks like.

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They all look the same to me.

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Unless of course the slut sex is involuntary, then the slut must birth the rape baby, God says: http://www.rightwingwatch.o...

But, you know: "both sides"

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The educational system is not at fault, here. Only right-wing religion can turn a brain surgeon into a complete moron on every topic outside brain surgery. Remember that.

I'm still not convinced Ben Caron is a brain surgeon. Gonna need to see some certification.

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Then you'll be pleased to learn (be reminded) that witch-hunting is back in vogue:


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