From that windmap, it looks to me like it's going to be a <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/File:Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg" target="_blank">starry night</a>.

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<blockquote>I think Lady Idiot is better than Dude Idiot, and I still don't get where all the ladies are at when there are more of you in the general population.</blockquote>

In other words, "I see your Michele Bachmann, and raise you a Steve King"


"I see your Virginia Foxx and raise you a Louis Gohmert"

I could go on, but not for long, on account of there being scandalously few women in Congress, and some of them are Nancy Pelosi and Kirsten Gillibrand.

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Only as long as he's in time for the Early Bird special.

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Heh...let's fill our campaign of failure with a heapin' helpin' of failure from the 2008 election. What could go wrong?

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Man, that other person could sure write some tunes.

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And you <i>know</i> we aren't gonna ask for directions.

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Once again, my sympathies to Herman's wife.

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Oh Herman, please get back into the race. Mittens is just not funny like you.

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Herman must get all of his guidance from the stock photo women in his "Women for Herman Cain" website. The Napolean of Pizza needs to learn that his opinion is no longer relevant to voters. And the women in the Fartknocker home have a strong hatred for this man.

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i was just thinking of that reagan era gaffe (i think reagan era? somebody in the cabinet? weinberger maybe?) about 'women' and 'nuclear throw weights' and 'not interested'.

and the republicans have just gotten worse. much much worse.

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someday we will look back on the republican field of 2012 and laugh.

but not today.

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<i>displaying the quick-thinking and wit of which we’ve all grown so fond.</i>

Obviously, the pizza business pretty much runs itself.

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The OPPOSITE opposite sex.

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Obviously men are smarter. Who could doubt that after listening to Herm's explanation of the Obama policy on Libya and, of course, Uzbeckybeckybeccyetceterastan

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I would find this much more believable if he were chain smoking.

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Bitches be trippin', amiright?

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